Fear of childbirth - get rid of phobias

Do not feel the fear of childbirth - it's like not worrying about passing the final exams. In the first and second cases, experiences are natural. Fear of a pregnant woman increases with the approach of meeting with the baby. It affects not only those who give birth for the first time, but also have many children.

Is it worth being afraid of childbirth?

Fears of pregnant women are diverse. More often the phobia of childbirth is provoked by such factors:

  1. Pain is one of the most important fears. Feeling really intolerable, but if necessary, doctors can make an injection with an anesthetic.
  2. Unexpected "surprises". The future mother is responsible to the little man. For this reason, a woman can be tormented by fears, and suddenly something will go wrong (at the last moment the crumb will turn over its legs or become entangled in the umbilical cord). An experienced doctor will help cope with all the unexpected "surprises".
  3. The fear that the birth will begin at the wrong time. His contribution to the development of such a phobia was made by the cinema. In films, everything is presented like this: the fights began on level ground and after half an hour a woman gives birth. There are swift deliveries, but this happens extremely rarely. In most cases, the appearance of a baby is a lengthy process. A few hours pass from the moment of the first fights before the beginning of labor.
  4. A woman can be afraid that she will not succeed. However, such fear of childbirth is unreasonable, because there are preparatory courses for pregnant and printed manuals set. And at the climax, an experienced midwife will help a woman.

How to overcome the fear of childbirth?

The more a woman learns about the upcoming event, the less anxiety and emotion she will have. The following recommendations will help in how to not be afraid of childbirth:

  1. Do not mask fear or pretend that it is not. To overcome this oppressive feeling, he needs to look "in the face". A pregnant woman can talk about her fears with a doctor, husband or girlfriend.
  2. We need to protect ourselves from the negative flow of information and communication with those who are afraid of all sorts of heart-rending stories. Pregnant should all make it clear that she is set for easy labor.
  3. It is necessary to learn to relax and shut yourself off from negative thoughts. This will help hobbies and leisurely walks in the fresh air.

Fear of second birth

Such fear can be exacerbated by the following factors:

In how to overcome the fear of second birth, the following tips will help:

  1. Pregnant must remember that in life, almost nothing repeats. Fear of the second birth is not justified, because they are unlikely to be like the first.
  2. The pain is not eternal, it will pass and after a while it will be forgotten. But soon a tiny defenseless little man will appear in the world. For the sake of such a meeting, you can tolerate a little.
  3. Not all medical personnel are treated inappropriately with women in childbirth. There are so many good doctors, so the task of pregnant women during pregnancy is to find an intelligent doctor.

Fear of death before delivery

Due to the development of medicine, the complications that cause a fatal outcome of parturient women are very rare. There are a number of factors that affect the course of labor. They include:

In the presence of one or more of these factors, the obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing the pregnant woman regularly conducts screening. Such control allows us to identify the worsening situation in time and prevent dangerous consequences. If even after that, fears of childbirth in pregnant women do not pass, women can seek help from a psychologist. Qualified training will help to get rid of excessive concern.

Fear of a child before giving birth

Often, the experiences of the future mother are based on the fear that something can happen with a crumb. Fear of childbirth for the health of a child is justified, because a woman loves her baby and worries about his well-being. However, excessive anxiety will not bring anything good to mom or crumb. If a pregnant woman is overcome with fear of childbirth, how to overcome it, she will be told by psychologists who specialize in helping women during the period of bearing children. Also, the future mother can share her experiences with a gynecologist, and he will appoint additional studies.

Fear of premature birth

The child born on the period from the 22nd to the 37th week is considered premature. However, such babies are viable. Premature babies receive special medical care, and in the future their condition is constantly monitored. If a pregnant woman has a fear of second birth after a premature first, she should definitely tell the doctor about it. In addition, a woman should apply for medical help with the beginning of cramping contractions. In some cases, premature births can be medically prevented. Here the decisive factor is the time of circulation.

How to facilitate the process of childbirth?

Reduce the fear and pain will help the following tips:

  1. At the beginning of the birth activity of the pregnant woman, one should take a comfortable position in the bed (on the right or on the left side). Under the supervision of medical staff a woman can walk around the room and gently squat.
  2. The right breathing will help in how to facilitate childbirth. At the beginning of the fight, a woman needs to take deep breaths, and with her waning - exhalations.
  3. To reduce painful sensations will help stroking the abdomen and lower back.

In addition, it is important for a pregnant woman to listen to the recommendations of a doctor who accepts her childbirth. The moment of birth of a youngster is not the time to argue with a doctor, to argue with him or to prove his case. It is important for a woman to trust a doctor. He is an experienced specialist, so he knows better how to cope with the fear of childbirth and to facilitate the process of their flow.