Königsberg Bugs

In this article we will talk about German cuisine, namely - about the bugs. What is this dish with such an interesting name? What are the bugs prepared from? This is a meat dish, which is most often made from beef. There are several options for cooking this dish, which we will now tell you.

Königsberg Bugs - recipe

Koenigsberg's bedbugs are meat beads, poured with caper sauce.


For sauce:


We let the veal through a meat grinder with a fine grate, preferably it should be done twice. Onion finely crumb, fry in butter, to it we add crushed anchovies. Roll a macaroon in milk, add egg, pepper and onions with anchovies, all this is combined with minced meat. The resulting mass must be kneaded very well, you can even shake it. Salt does not need to be added - anchovies are given enough. If the stuffing comes out liquid, you can add breadcrumbs. Now we need a deep frying pan, we pour the broth into it, bring it to a boil and drop it into the bugs formed of minced meat - small balls the size of a ping-pong ball. On a small fire under the lid, cook our cloaks for about 15 minutes. Then gently remove them from the liquid and put it on the plate.

Now, let's start preparing the sauce: add the cream to the broth in which the brews were brewed. In a separate frying pan, melt butter, add flour to it, fry it a bit and pour it into the same broth. The resulting mixture is well stirred until homogeneous. Boil the sauce so that it thickens a little. Now, put the juice and lemon peel on it, rubbed on a fine grater, add a bit of Worcestershire sauce, cayenne pepper and capers and vinegar. Sugar - to taste. In the sauce we spread our bugs, give them a good soak. Then, sprinkle with chopped parsley. Usually, the bug is served with pickled beets, and boiled potatoes serve as a side dish.

Onion bug - recipe

There is another recipe for cooking bugs. We'll tell you below and tell you about it.



Meat cut into pieces about 1 cm thick. Slightly beat off and bring to a ruddy crust. Onion, cut into half rings, fry until golden brown, but make sure that it does not burn. Now, in a saucepan add meat and onions, pour out the fat in which meat was roasted, add a little boiling water, salt and pepper to taste. Simmer on a small fire with the lid closed. For sauce, sour cream is diluted with a little water, we add flour, salt to taste, mix. Fill the resulting mixture with our bugs, let it all boil. We serve onion bugs to the table, watering the sauce.