Lack of iodine in the body - symptoms

According to WHO, iodine deficiency is the most common non-infectious disease in the world. It turns out that most people daily receive less iodine in two to three times. And iodine deficiency is not just dangerous, because with a lack of one of the micronutrients, all metabolism collapses, but also because iodine participates in hormonal regulation, on which the work of every cell of our body depends.

Action of iodine

In fact, iodine depends on how deep your sleep is, and how high the intellectual level is. WHO believes that iodine deficiency in the body threatens intellectual degradation. It is proved that children who grew up in areas deprived of iodine have a lower level of intelligence than their peers living in iodine-rich places.

Even the childbearing function of women depends on iodine. The danger is that the deficit most often occurs during pregnancy, when it should increase the dosage of iodine, because the baby is already beginning to store its own depot. If you do not increase iodine content in the menu during this period, the risk of taking a child with congenital cretinism increases several fold.

But apart from all these serious things, there is still a big reason to pay attention to the content of iodine in your diet - these are thyroid hormones.

Thyroid hormones are the conductors of life, the development of the whole organism depends on them. If the baby does not get enough iodine, it will grow up simply underdeveloped.

Thyroid hormones are synthesized from iodine and tyrosine. They regulate brain activity, protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, gland function, and growth and development in general.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency

In fact, the symptoms of a shortage of iodine in the body is incredible. Since iodine encompasses all of our vital activity, it is possible to overstrain its deficit anywhere. If you have suspicions on the signs listed below, it is best to pass an analysis on the content of iodine or on the work of thyroid hormones.

The most common signs of iodine deficiency in the body:

Check for iodine deficiency

As you can see, the symptoms of iodine deficiency can talk about completely different diseases. However, there is a way to check the balance of iodine by yourself.

For this, on the skin of the thigh or forearm, you must draw an iodine grid, knowing that in the next 12 hours you will not bathe. If the grid disappears in two hours - you have an acute shortage of iodine. If it does not disappear within 12 hours - you are all right with iodine.

Below you can see the group of products, which are used regularly, iodine deficiency does not threaten you.