Stew of zucchini

Zucchini is one of those vegetables that create an excellent base for summer dishes. One of these can rightly be considered a stew from zucchini. Stewed in their own juice, vegetables create a rich taste of the ready-made dish. And properly selected spices and seasonings turn the banal dish into a fragrant and tasty dish.

Below we present some options for cooking a delicious ragout from zucchini, which are most popular.

The tender zucchini flavor perfectly complements the dietary meat of chicken in ragout, and garlic will add a spicy dish.

How to cook a vegetable stew with zucchini and chicken meat



Chicken meat washed, dried with a paper towel or napkins and cut into small pieces. We spread it in a preheated kazanok or a deep saucepan, previously poured into it vegetable refined oil. Fry from all sides browning. Then add crushed onion rings and fry for another five minutes.

Zucchini and potato tubers are rid of the peel and cut into cubes, and carrots and sweet Bulgarian pepper are straws. Fry each of the vegetables separately in a skillet with vegetable oil and transfer to the chicken in the caviar. We pour a little purified water and put out ten minutes. On the peel, the tomato is made by cross-cuts, scalded with boiling water, we remove the skins, cut into cubes and sent to vegetables. Season the ragout with salt, ground black pepper, spices to your taste and gently mix. Extinguish another twenty minutes, add the garlic, let the stew brew for another ten minutes, and serve it to the table, decorating with branches and leaves of fresh greens.

Vegetable ragout from a zucchini is especially delicious in a duet with eggplant, and adding them with other vegetables and spices, we get an excellent taste of the prepared dish.

Ragout of zucchini and eggplant in a multivariate



Eggplant washed, peeled, cut into several longitudinal parts and poured with salt water for thirty minutes to get rid of bitterness, which is inherent in eggplant.

We remove the onions from the husks, cut them into semi-rings and place them in a multivarka with vegetable oil, including the "Hot" or "Baking" mode for fifteen minutes.

We clean the potatoes and zucchini from the peel and cut into cubes, cut the carrots into circles, and peel the sweet Bulgarian pepper from the seeds and crush it with large straws. Wet the aubergines washed with clean water and cut into small pieces. Tomatoes scalded with boiling water, peeled and cut into cubes.

All the prepared vegetables are laid in the multivark to the onions, season with salt, ground with a mixture of peppers, pour a little water and put the "Quenching" mode on for one hour.

At the end of the cooking, we chop the finely chopped garlic, mix it and leave it in the "Heated" mode for fifteen minutes for infusion.