How to cut a pike on a fillet?

The spectacular appearance of the pike was one of the main reasons why it was served entirely. But if you do not serve "royal fish" on the festive table, then there is no need to fiddle with its cleaning from the skin and the preparation of minced meat, because on weekdays you can cook and fish fillets.

How to properly cut a pike on a fillet?

Before the pike is cut from the bones, it is necessary to arm not only with a sharp knife, but also a pair of latex gloves and an apron with them. Cutting such a difficult fish like a pike takes a lot of time and energy for a beginner, and therefore it is better to protect yourself from pollution.

Gutting the fish, go to its scaling. Small scales scales can easily be removed with a special knife or a small float, moving in the direction from the tail to the head.

The head of the pike is cut as well as the head of any other fish: making two incisions under the gills and cutting through the ridge. In the wake of the head, fins are also cut off.

Next, go directly to the meat. We cut the fish pulp along the ridge up to the costal arch, and then, moving the knife along the ribs, separate the pulp from them.

Armed with a pair of tweezers and proceed to remove the remaining bones in the pulp. Since the pike is not in vain called the bony of the river inhabitants, there are certainly such. Remnants of bones from fish fillets can be removed with the help of special culinary tweezers or, if there is none, then its household alternative is cosmetic tweezers.

A pair of fillets is ready, in this form the flesh can be divided into portions and fried, but if you do not know how to cut a pike on a fillet without skin, then the preparatory procedures will last one more step.

Armed with a flexible and thin knife, make an incision under the skin from the side of the tail and start smoothly moving to the head, pressing the fillet with the second hand and trying to drive the knife as close as possible to the skin.

With proper skill you can instantly master how quickly to cut the pike on the fillet, because all the steps for separating the fillets are the same for almost all fish.

All parts of the pike can be used to move: fins and head (with previously removed eyes and gills) are used to make rich broths , fillets with skin can be baked, baked and fried, and the flesh separated from the skin - twisted into cutlets or used for fish casseroles and souffle.