Removal of the polyp in the uterus

Polyps in the uterus meet with the same frequency in women of any age. Modern medicine does not know a more effective method of treating this pathology than surgical intervention. Before deciding to remove a polyp in the uterus or cervix, many women are wondering how this procedure is going on.

Methods for removing the polyp of the uterus may vary depending on the type of disease.

There are such types of polyps:

Removal of the polyp in the uterus: hysteroscopy

One of the modern and gentle methods of endoscopy is hysteroscopy. This method is an optical system that is inserted into the uterine cavity for the purpose of diagnosis and surgical treatment without incisions and additional injuries. First, a diagnostic hysteroscopy is performed to identify pathology. Further, the doctor chooses an adequate therapeutic hysteroscopy, which requires general anesthesia. The procedure involves inserting into the cervix a hysteroscope - a long thin rod equipped with a video camera and a light device. With the help of additional instruments (laser or scissors) the polyp is removed in the uterus. Single polyps "unscrew", and then cauterize, multiple polyps most often scraped. Usually the procedure takes from several minutes to one hour, most often diagnostic hysteroscopy takes longer than the operation itself. In most cases, surgery for removal of the polyp uterus is performed on an outpatient basis.

Removal of the polyp in the uterus with a laser

Laser therapy for the treatment of various forms of neoplasm is considered the most effective method of treatment. There are several types of laser therapy, depending on the degree of the laser beam, including high or low. During such an operation, the doctor constantly monitors the process, monitoring changes on the screen. Removal of the polyp occurs in layers and the doctor can control the degree of tissue damage by the laser, which prevents injuries to healthy tissues and reduces the rehabilitation period. Laser treatment is characterized by minimal blood loss, because the laser "seals" the vessels and forms a small layer that protects the affected area from the penetration of infections.

The procedure for removing the polyp of the uterus with a laser has practically no consequences, since it does not leave scarring, which does not interfere with the planning of pregnancy and does not affect the process of childbirth in the future. The recovery period and complete healing of tissues takes 6 to 8 months, which is much less than with other types of interventions.

Treatment after removal of the polyp of the uterus

During the postoperative period (2-3 weeks), the patient may have minor bloody discharge and pain in the first days after removal of the uterine polyp. With strong pain, you can take painkillers (for example, ibuprofen). To reduce the risk of complications after the removal of the polyp uterus using diagnostic and therapeutic hysteroscopy, the use of tampons, douching and sexual intercourse should be discarded. It is also not recommended to take a bath and visit the sauna. Do not take drugs containing acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) and engage in heavy physical labor. After removal of the uterine polyp, hormonal therapy is indicated to normalize the monthly and as a prophylaxis for relapse.