Mastalgia of the breast

Tenderness in the mammary glands according to statistics experienced more than half of women of reproductive age. Pain in the chest, having a cyclic or unsystematic nature, was called mastalgia of the breast.

Causes of mastalgia

The main causes of mastalgia include physiological and non-physiological factors. Thus, cyclic sensations in the breast are associated with the hormonal fluctuations of the menstrual cycle in a woman. Such pain appears shortly before menstruation, and then gradually ceases. With the onset of menopause , cyclic mastalgia should also cease.

If the pain in the chest is not associated with menstruation, it is classified as pathological. Acyclic mastalgia, most likely, is a sign of any disease of the mammary glands, including, not excluding and oncology. If anxiety symptoms appear, it is better to contact a mammologist for an examination at once.

Symptoms of mastalgia

Differences in sensations with cyclic and pathological mastalgia are significant.

  1. So, the symptoms of the first is the pain in both glands, which is more like a feeling of raspiraniya and hypersensitivity. Such feelings spread throughout the chest, and the woman always knows when she will wait for this trouble next time.
  2. Pain in acyclic mastalgia covers one breast and, as a rule, is localized in a specific place. If you have such symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

But even cyclic mastalgia, according to many doctors, is not a variant of the norm. Monthly can cause only mild discomfort in the chest, and if the sensations are very unpleasant, it is worthwhile to think about the causes of this phenomenon. It is believed that the mastalgic pain in the chest is caused by hormonal imbalance, which means that any mastalgia requires treatment.

After the examination, which includes the collection of anamnesis, palpation, ultrasound and mammography, the doctor will prescribe you a hormonal correction, a special diet, taking vitamins and a healthy lifestyle.