Why do menstruation last longer than usual?

Problems with the cycle arise in girls and women quite often. What should be the duration of menstruation - this is an individual question, because the body of each woman works differently. In some menstruation can last 3 days, and for others - 6, and this is considered the norm. But it happens that a woman's habitual cycle is disrupted. Below we will find out why the menstruation began to go longer than usual.

Interruptions can occur in such situations:

In the listed situations, he is worried about why the monthly ones go for a long time and smear, do not, this is the norm. Worse, if they take 10 or more days and are abundant. Further we will consider other factors, because of which violations can occur.

The reasons why the monthly

The failure of the cycle can be influenced by the lifestyle of a girl or a woman. So, for example, the work of the sexual organs can be affected by smoking, alcohol, coffee, long sleep. In this case, everything depends on the woman herself, perhaps she needs to change the regime of the day, leave bad habits, go in for sports, have more rest.

Let's consider some more reasons why the monthly ones go longer than usual:

We listed the most common reasons why the menstrual periods go on for a long time. 10-12, or even more days. Failure can also occur due to climate change, stress, severe weight loss, etc. Remember that only a doctor will be able to determine the cause of the violation of the cycle.

If a girl or a woman has such a problem, then together with the question of why the periods go on for a long time, another, no less important, arises, what should I do? First, do not panic or diagnose yourself. You need to responsibly approach your health and do not delay visiting a gynecologist. Secondly, tune in to the fact that you may have a serious and long-term examination, as well as treatment.