Edema in heart failure - treatment

Heart failure currently occurs quite often. With heart failure, the legs swell due to a slowing of blood flow and lymphatic accumulation. Determine that swelling associated with the inability of the heart muscle to cope with the load, you can by the following signs:

One of the frequently asked questions to the specialists: What if the swelling of the legs is accompanied by heart failure? We learn what cardiologists advise in this case.

How to treat leg swelling with heart failure?

Heart failure is typical for diseases such as:

Heart failure is also caused by anemia, obesity, liver cirrhosis and a number of other chronic diseases.

Treatment of edema of the legs with heart failure is primarily associated with systemic therapy of the underlying disease. With the goal of normalizing blood circulation and preventing stagnation of blood, cardiac glycosides are used - medicines based on plant substances.

To reduce edema of the limbs, patients are prescribed diuretics. So, with heart failure to get rid of edema of the legs can be prescribed drugs:

Since diuretics wash away many useful substances from the body, it is recommended to take medications in parallel, restoring the balance of minerals and vitamins necessary for humans.

How to remove swelling of the legs with heart failure folk remedies?

Traditional medicine, like traditional medicine, recommends significantly reducing the salt intake (within 2 grams per day) and the amount of liquid consumed (no more than 2 liters) in order to eliminate edema on the legs with heart failure.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, foot baths with sea salt or vegetable decoctions are used:

Reducing swelling at any stage of the disease is promoted by infusions:

We also offer effective plant dues.

The recipe is the first:

  1. Taken 2 tablespoons birch leaves and spruce needles are poured 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. Broth for 20 minutes on low heat.
  3. Cooled liquid is filtered and drunk on a quarter cup for 30 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day.

Another recipe:

  1. Mix 4 parts of flaxseed, 3 parts of birch leaves and 3 parts of crushed roots of the stalk.
  2. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water, allowed to stand for 30 minutes.
  3. Infusion is taken three times a day before meals on a tablespoon.

It is very useful to eat 0.5 kg of raw pumpkin daily or drink 2 cups of pumpkin, carrot juice with pronounced puffiness. Diuretic properties are enjoyed by drinks (fruit drinks, teas) based on viburnum, cowberries.

In the daily diet of cores it is recommended to include:

Excellent compress puffiness from the feet of grated raw potatoes.

Attention! An important component in the treatment of edematous syndrome is a rational regimen. Patients suffering from heart failure need a full night rest at least 9 hours. It is also necessary to limit physical activity and provide psycho-emotional rest.