Numbness in fingers at night - causes

Often the numbness of the fingers after sleep is not particularly troublesome and is not a reason for many to see a doctor. However, it is worthwhile to understand that if this symptom is not a single short-term phenomenon, but is repeated often, then it can not be left without attention.

The most common and "harmless" cause of numbness in the fingers at night is an uncomfortable position in the dream, in which there is a squeezing of the blood vessels of the hands and a violation of blood circulation. In this case, after awakening, a tingling sensation, a burning sensation in the fingers, and sometimes in the entire brush, the fingers are more difficult to bend. This state goes by itself, as soon as the limbs give a comfortable position and provide a normal blood flow.

In other cases, numbness of the fingers at night can indicate various pathologies in the body, sometimes requiring immediate treatment. Let's consider further, what reasons can be at the given uncomfortable display.

Causes of numbness in fingers

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Numbness of the fingers of the right or left hand during the night often indicate this ailment. As a result of compression of the seventh spinal root, there are sensory disturbances in the area of ​​the hand and fingers. Also, some motor disorders in the hand and fingers, pain in the cervical spine are possible.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Another fairly common reason. In the carpal canal there are the median nerve and flexor tendons. As a result of constriction of this channel, compression of the median nerve occurs, and sometimes - its inflammation, which leads to a violation of blood supply and sensitivity. This can be caused by prolonged monotonous movements of the hand (associated with professional activity), taking hormonal drugs (causing swelling in the contents of the canal), swelling associated with pregnancy, kidney failure, etc. Numbness in the fingers in this pathology is felt, as a rule, immediately after awakening, and disappears by lunchtime.

Diseases of the vascular system

Numbness of the fingers is observed with Raynaud's syndrome , in which small capillaries are damaged. As a result, there is a violation of blood circulation, which causes discomfort in the fingers. Also, this pathology is manifested by the cyanosis of the skin on the fingers, chilliness, pain and numbness of the toes.


This disease also provokes the appearance of such a symptom as numbness of the fingers of the hands at night. This pathology is associated with the defeat of peripheral nerves, caused by inflammatory processes, toxic, metabolic and allergic causes, injuries. One of the frequent manifestations of the disease - painful sensations, impaired sensation in the hands and feet, in the fingers of the extremities, which increases at night.


One of the most dangerous causes of numbness in the fingers. Based on the degree of brain damage, numbness can only grab fingers or spread to the entire hand. Symptoms such as severe headache, dizziness, and high blood pressure are also present.

Hand thrombosis

Also a serious reason for this phenomenon. In this case, there is not only a numbness of the fingers on one of the hands, but also other signs of circulatory disorders: blanching of the skin, cooling of the hand, swelling of the vein.

Causes of numbness of the toe

Numbness of the toes is also most often associated with impaired blood circulation or with a pinched nerve. Such a symptom may indicate:

Numbness of the thumbs on the legs is due to a deficiency in the body of certain vitamins and microelements.