Crafts for the garden

Crafts for caravans Stump artifacts The pond from the old bath

For many people homestead or cottage area is a favorite holiday destination. After all, in nature, it is best to relax and relax from the bustle of a big city. To make the site beautiful and diversify the landscape use a variety of crafts for the garden and garden. This lesson will allow you to fully realize your creative abilities. And do not forget to bring children to their making - they will surely like it!

Of course, you can buy ready-made decorations for the garden, which are offered in specialized stores. But each owner of the garden or country plot, can independently make original and interesting crafts for the garden. Also, great ideas can be taken from all sorts of old things, so do not rush to throw away unnecessary garden tools, baskets, containers and other items. All of them are useful when you decide to make crafts for decorating the garden. After all, homemade crafts - the best decoration, because they reflect your personality and taste.

The most common and uncomplicated are wooden hand-made articles for the garden, of course, this is true, but by showing imagination the original things can be made from any materials. For example, if you want to have a body of water on your site, it is very easy to implement. To do this, you need to take a container suitable for the size (old basins, bathrooms, buckets, etc.) fit, dig it into the ground, fix the edges with cement and decorate it with a decorative stone. Beautifully look different figures, placed around the pond, as well as plants, they should be planted in a carefully thought out order.

We make simple crafts for the garden and the garden with our own hands

There are many ideas how to make crafts for the garden from improvised tools. And, as we have already said, the easiest way to make wooden hand-made articles for a garden is to use trees growing on the site, stumps that have remained after cleaning the garden or logs or driftwood of various sizes. Plant beside them weaving plants, decorate with bright ribbons or paint in colorful colors. You can draw a cheerful face or portray a forest dweller.

Simple hand-made articles for the garden can serve not only as decoration, but also as useful. So, you can make an original hanger for garden tools. The ideal material for it is a snag of unusual shape, nails are stuffed into it and small garden tools can be placed. Also, the garbage container, sealed under the well, will look beautiful and original. To do this, you need to make a small well, for example, from woven branches or interlocked logs.

Very common handicrafts for the garden, which are used to decorate flower beds, decorative paths, as well as compositions of stones and plants. Beautifully and unusually it will look like a flower bed in an old garden trolley, on the sides of which it is necessary to plant wicker plants, they will help to close the ugly parts of the trolley.

If you decide to decorate the garden with your own hands, crafts are the most optimal solution, because in this way you can achieve a unique and unique design. After all, crafts for the garden are not only flowerbeds, ponds, decorative elements and beautiful paths, but also original pavilions, hammocks, illumination, etc.

If you decide to decorate the garden with handicrafts, do not delay this idea, and immediately get down to business, involve all family members, including children, do not be afraid to experiment and, perhaps, you will get the most beautiful and unusual crafts for the garden that will delight you and surprise you your guests.