Warming the loggia with penokleksom

In order to make the loggia truly residential and comfortable, it needs to be insulated. But the installation of quality double-glazed windows for this will not be enough, because thin walls will let the cold pass during frosts and the temperature in the room will be only a few degrees higher than on the street. To create the so-called thermos effect, it is necessary to insulate not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling.

One of the modern thermal insulation materials is penoplex, which has a number of advantages, suitable for internal insulation of the loggia:

Warming up the loggia with penoplex by one's own hands

Before proceeding with the warming of the loggia, it is necessary to carefully consider the design of the room and pre-install wiring for lighting fixtures and sockets. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the work can be carried out at a temperature of at least 5 and not above 25 degrees Celsius.

The technology of loggia insulation by penokleksom consists of several stages:
  1. In order to prepare a loggia for warming, it is necessary to very carefully seal all the seams and cracks with the help of sealant and mounting foam.
  2. The next step is the warming of the walls, ceiling and floor on the loggia with foam, which is attached to the surface with dowels or glue. But the most appropriate is to combine these methods. To do this, the penoplex sheet is first glued to the surface, and then the dowel is inserted into the drilled hole and screwed with a screw. In this case, the number of attachment points per 1m2 should not be less than 5. Plates of thermal insulation must fit very tightly to each other. Joints between them can be treated with mounting foam.
  3. An additional insulation made of foamed polyethylene is glued to the foamed polystyrene plates. It is very important to arrange it with a foil inside the balcony. This is necessary for a better vapor barrier. It is fixed with a special polyurethane adhesive, and the joints are sealed with a construction tape.
  4. Further on the walls and ceiling is fastened crate under the finish trim plastic or wooden lining. And on the floor on the layer of insulation is made a screed.

Proper warming of the loggia with penokleksom will keep the heat in the apartment and provide the maximum level of comfort and coziness for its inhabitants.