The concept of motivation

The concept of motivation in psychology means a pronounced interest of a person in the realization of one's desires. This is a psychological process that stimulates a person to manifest initiative and encourages him to act. The essence and concept of motivation consist in the aggregate of various processes: physical, behavioral, intellectual and mental. Thanks to these processes, the determination of a person is determined in certain situations.

Speaking about the concept of motivation, it is important to mention also the concept of motive. The motive is a specific subject, which forces the person to perform certain actions. The motive will be the set goal, due to which the choice of actions and actions of a person is determined.

The concept and types of motivation

  1. Unstable motivation. This type of motivation requires constant additional reinforcement.
  2. Stable motivation. This type of motivation is based on the needs and needs of the individual.
  3. Negative motivation. In this case, the motivation will be based on negative, negative incentives. As an example, we can cite the famous winged expression: "I'll freeze my ears to my mother."
  4. Positive motivation. Incentives, respectively, will be positive. For example: "I will study well at the institute, get a red diploma and become an excellent specialist".
  5. Internal motivation. It has nothing to do with external circumstances. This type of motivation arises spontaneously within the person himself. Suppose you have a strong desire to go on a boat trip. Internal motivation can be a consequence of someone's external motivation.
  6. External motivation. It is born from external circumstances. For example, you learned that your colleague has left to rest in France. After that, you have a motivation to save the necessary amount in order to also go there and see the Notre Dame Cathedral personally.