Reading thoughts

Of all the supernatural abilities, it is the reading of thoughts at all times that remains one of the most desired skills for most people. After all, this could save us from deception and illusions. At the moment there are several ways that lead to quite impressive results. Of course, this has little to do with what we see in the films of the "fantasy" genre, but still can help in many situations.

Simple technique of reading thoughts

There is an opinion that we are all able to read thoughts to some extent. Thought is an image that refers to something concrete or abstract. And if this idea applies to any person, it will certainly affect the real relationship with this person. In this case, a simple example of reading someone else's thoughts is a manifestation of aggression between people who never clashed openly, and only on a mental, intuitive level did not accept each other. However, it is impossible to detect such a connection, because it proceeds at the subconscious level.

Proceeding from this, a simple variant of mind-reading at a distance is possible: an imaginary dialogue. Take a comfortable pose, relax, carefully imagine a person whose thoughts you would like to read. Ask him questions and listen to his answers. Especially effective is communication from the state of meditation or trance .

You easily distinguish your imagination from real mind contact: you do not have to think to get an answer, it will come from somewhere from the outside. Especially effective is communication, if you conduct sessions early in the morning, immediately after sleep, or late at night, when you are almost asleep.

The deeper you go into the state of the so-called " conscious sleep, " the better it will work out. If you perceive the reality surrounding you as in a dream, but you can manipulate the picture somewhat by effort of will, then you are on the right track. You can learn this state in 2-8 weeks, depending on your initial abilities.

Reading thoughts: a technique based on hearing

This is a rather complicated technique, coupled with reading thoughts on the eyes and the ability to read between the lines. When a person says something, there are always some thoughts behind this, and you can quite easily learn to guess them if you are careful, persevering and persevering in your studies.

  1. As a rule, in this case, practice begins with the ability to stop the internal dialogue. This is very difficult for beginners. If you watch yourself, you will soon find that almost all the time inside you a voice sounds, voicing your thoughts. It is necessary to relax and concentrate on the silence that you feel, and not allow yourself to mentally discuss it. Concentrate on your hearing for at least 10 seconds. Increase this time to 5-10 minutes.
  2. When you learn to keep the state outside the inner dialogue, you need to switch to meditation, which will allow you to listen to your subconscious. There are a lot of such techniques. For beginners respiratory ten-minute technique is suitable: Lie down, relax and concentrate on breathing. Breathe in 8 counts and exhale also slowly. In the course of meditation, you will receive a very deep relaxation and a new degree of self-awareness.
  3. After you have mastered all these tools, you will be able to create silence inside yourself and listen attentively to the vibrations that come from the person you want to read. Gradually you will begin to catch the thoughts and images that come from the person.

Do not wait for quick results. This can take months and years. As for protection from reading thoughts from other people - there is nothing unambiguous. Some advise conspiracies, other amulets. But given how low a percentage of the population owns such practices, you probably should not be afraid.