Charlie Sheen defeated HIV with an experimental drug

Charlie Sheen, who has been fighting HIV since 2011, has done the impossible! The other day the actor was delighted with his fans and gave other people with the human immunodeficiency virus a hope for healing. A new experimental drug brought Shin back to life.

HIV vaccine

Rumors that scientists have finally found a cure for the plague of the XXI century, arise with enviable constancy. Indirectly, the creation of a truly effective innovative drug that can, if not cure HIV, then significantly slow down the course of the disease and improve the quality of life of infected people, gave 51-year-old Charlie Sheen.

Charlie Sheen announced the successful fight against HIV

The actor, who confessed to his illness in November 2015, told reporters about the course of treatment with the secret preparation PRO-140.

Charlie Sheen admitted that he is HIV-infected in the program The Today Show

Clinical trials

Charlie, among other elected volunteers in May 2016, agreed to participate in clinical trials of advanced medicine, as standard antiretroviral therapy, in the form of daily tablets, caused him severe side effects.

According to him, Shina had nothing to lose, since the previous cocktail of strong drugs, not only did not improve his health, but also caused symptoms of dementia. The actor said emotionally:

"It's just incredible ... I can not help thinking how I felt then, and how today ... I moved step by step to my death, and suddenly found myself in the way of Providence. It's a miracle. "
Charlie Sheen with a fan on Thursday in Hollywood
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We will add, the preparation PRO-140, created by scientists of company Cytodyn Inc, consists of antibodies which do not allow the virus of an immunodeficiency to penetrate into healthy cells. Clinical trials of the vaccine are nearing completion and this year it is planned to start a full-scale production and sale of the drug.