Actress Keith Hudson is again free

American Kate Hudson can be called an independent, modern and emancipated woman. She does not hasten to bind herself in marriage, and long monogamous relations are given to the star of the "Gold of Fools" difficult.

Where are such conclusions from? The 36-year-old beauty Kate left her lover on her own initiative.

To all the guilt of jealousy

Nick Jonas, according to insiders, provoked Kate Hudson to such an act by his frivolous behavior. Apparently, he began to change his friend and colleague in the "singing shop." Nick with a certain singer wanted to go on tour, and the jealous Miss Hudson did not endure such resentment!

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Relations between the beloved existed for six months, however, in their duration, none of the secular observers did not believe. And it's not even a big difference in age between lovers (Jonas is younger than Keith for 13 years), just a temperamental blonde can not stay in a long relationship with one man.

With the previous partners Kate, the fathers of her sons musicians Chris Robinson and Matthew Bellamy, everything went according to the same scenario. Apparently this capricious beauty freedom is more expensive than long and stable relations.