Adjika from tomatoes and garlic - a classic recipe for a tasty and piquant seasoning

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic is a classic recipe that will help in creating a traditional Caucasian sauce. For many years of existence, this spicy seasoning has been appreciated by many nationalities, thanks to which it has acquired new flavors and is prepared with peppers, apples, horseradish and other additions.

How to make ajiku from tomatoes with garlic?

Adzhika from tomatoes and garlic is the leader in the category of natural spicy seasonings, striking not only with the bright taste, but the simplicity of cooking. It will be necessary to grind the vegetables into a paste-like mass, season with salt and spices and spread them over the jars. Depending on the living conditions, the pasta is cooked or stored raw in the cold.

  1. Home adzhika from tomatoes and garlic will be a worthy decoration of the table, only with juicy fleshy tomatoes and quality spices. Cilantro, coriander, hot pepper and hops-suneli - the most popular of them.
  2. Since the spicy seasonings are very "volatile", it is better to wear gloves during cooking, and a bag on the opening of the meat grinder.
  3. More often adzhik not brewed, but abundant season with salt, put on the banks and placed in the cold. In the absence of necessary conditions, the mass is cooked from 5 minutes to an hour, rolled up and placed in a dark place for storage.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic - a simple recipe

A simple adzhika from tomato and garlic will introduce beginners to the basic rules of cooking - they are available and do not take much time. All you need is to grind the main ingredients in the meat grinder, abundantly season with salt, let it brew and, tightly closed in sterile jars, sent to storage in a cold place.



  1. Chop tomatoes with garlic.
  2. Add salt and mix well.
  3. Adjika is simple from tomatoes and garlic - a classic recipe, in which the mass is insisted for 3 hours and laid out on cans.

Adjika from tomato, pepper and garlic

Boiled ajika from tomato, pepper and garlic is one of the most popular "folk" options. Balanced taste, incredible fragrance, a variety of fresh seasonal vegetables and a simple cooking technique, thanks to which you can store finished products at any temperature - the main advantages of this snack.



  1. Peel the vegetables in a meat grinder.
  2. Season, pour in the oil and simmer for an hour.
  3. Add the vinegar and clean.
  4. Adzhika boiled from tomato and garlic is a classic recipe in which the ready-made seasoning is rolled up and sent for storage.

Adjika from tomatoes, garlic and horseradish

Recipe adzhiki from horseradish , tomato and garlic is useful for lovers of vitamin preparations. In the cold season, this seasoning will perfectly "cheer up" and support the body with useful substances, because the root of horseradish contains ascorbic acid, which will add flavor and digestion will improve, and act as an excellent anti-cold remedy.



  1. Tomatoes and horseradish chop.
  2. Season with oil, sugar and salt and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. Add the vinegar and garlic.
  4. Adjika from tomatoes and garlic is a classic recipe, presupposing immediate roll-up of seasoning in cans.

Sharp Adjika from tomato and garlic

Adjika from fresh tomato, bitter pepper , garlic is a classic of Georgian cuisine. Even considering that the ingredients have incredible sharpness, in the finished form the seasoning turns out to be balanced, moderately hot, spicy and aromatic. The secret is simple: Caucasian chefs use a minimum of products and adhere to clear proportions.



  1. Chop the tomatoes.
  2. Boil, add salt, pepper and garlic.
  3. Adjika from tomatoes with garlic is a classic recipe where the mass is cooked for 5 minutes and rolled into cans.

Adjika from tomato and garlic with aspirin

Adzhika from tomato and garlic without vinegar will join the ranks of quality seasonings, because today there are many components that help to keep the blanks absolutely harmless. So, the usual aspirin will not only increase the storage period of preservation, but also allow preparing the seasoning without cooking, thus ensuring the safety of the maximum of useful substances.



  1. Vegetables scroll in the meat grinder.
  2. The resulting mass of salt, add aspirin and set aside for 3 hours.
  3. Spread on cans and roll.

Adjika from green tomato and garlic

Adjika from tomato and garlic is a recipe that allows you to utilize an unripe crop. Most often it concerns green tomatoes , which are not suitable for eating raw, but are excellent for preparing many dishes. They are neutral taste, easily take the scents of the neighboring components, which is especially appreciated when creating seasonings.



  1. Grind tomatoes together with two kinds of pepper.
  2. Pour in the oil, season and cook for 35 minutes.
  3. Add the vinegar, garlic, greens, soak for 10 minutes and roll.

Adjika from tomato, garlic and apples

For those who want to feel freshness, piquancy and a pleasant aroma at the same time, adjika from tomatoes and garlic without pepper and apples is perfect. Unlike traditional seasonings, such a preparation is very delicate, tender and has a fruit sweetness that perfectly emphasizes the taste of a fried steak or a smoking steak.



  1. Tomatoes, apples and carrots chop and cook an hour.
  2. Cool, season, add vinegar, garlic, butter and spread on cans.

Adjika from tomato and garlic in a multivariate

Happy owners of household appliances are sure that a delicious cooked adzhika from tomato and garlic is possible only in the multivark. They are absolutely right: providing a slow and steady longing, the modern gadget protects the seasoning from burning, thus relieving the housewives of continuous stirring and tedious standing near the plate.



  1. Tomatoes and pepper chop and cook in the "Stewing" 2 hours.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and tomatike in the "Baking" for 30 minutes.
  3. Ready adzhika from fresh tomato with garlic is laid out on cans and rolled up.

Adjika from tomatoes and garlic without cooking

Raw adzhika from tomato and garlic is the simplest and right version of cooking, allowing you to enjoy delicious and healthy products even in the cold season. A couple of cans of this seasoning will complement the taste of the dishes, increase appetite and support the body with a supply of useful minerals and vitamins that have not undergone long-term heat treatment.



  1. Blanched, cleaned and chopped tomatoes with the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Season with juice, salt, sugar, transfer to cans and send to the refrigerator.