Shishonin Gymnastics

Problems with the neck these days are common to every second person. And if earlier this rule was extended only to people of mature age, now it is easy to meet teenagers and even children with osteochondrosis. Now the therapeutic gymnastics of Dr. Shishonin has gained popularity, which through simple exercises allows to solve this problem.

Chishonin charge

Because of stress and constant nervous tension, not only the central nervous system suffers, but also the spine. Shishonin's neck gymnastics are designed for daily exercise: there can be no harm from it, only good. It is especially good for those who suffer from headaches, dizziness, insomnia, memory problems and pain in the upper shoulder girdle. In the course of charging, you will break your neck, and prevent the most unpleasant consequences that result in circulatory disorders in this department. This is especially true for those who are more than 40 years old.

After a week of charging, you will notice that the head has become clear, the thoughts are clear and clear - all this is achieved by improving the cerebral circulation.

To learn the complex, it should be performed every day for the first two weeks, preferably standing in front of the mirror. Then you can go to classes 3-4 times a week.

Shishonin Gymnastics

The complex is designed to fix certain positions. The video is quite available, and even signed, what and how to do. As an example, we will describe several provisions. The complex is executed sitting, and you can do it at least at home, even at work.

  1. Tilt your head to the right, as if you were stretching ear to shoulder. Fix the end position for 10-15 seconds. It's not as simple as it seems at first glance.
  2. Tilt your head to the left, as if you were stretching ear to shoulder. Fix the end position for 10-15 seconds.
  3. Pull the neck forward and up. Fix the end position for 10-15 seconds. Then take your head back, but do not throw it back. Repeat several times.
  4. Pull the neck as far forward as possible, fix the position for 10 seconds. Then from this position, move the head first to the right, then to the original, then to the left. In each position, fix the neck for 10 seconds.

Already after the first performance of this simple complex you will feel extraordinary comfort in the neck area, like after a good massage .