Which thermal underwear is better?

For everyday wear and exercise active sports, in the cold and severe frost, children and adults are sure to come in handy such a wonderful thing as thermal underwear. The fact that thermal underwear has long been not considered to be only a part of sports equipment is known to everyone. But not many know what thermal underwear is better to buy, what should be the composition and density, so that the body kit fully meets the requirements and expectations. Today this problem is more urgent than ever, because the market is full, at first glance, identical goods, which in fact have cardinal differences. So, let's try to figure out which thermal underwear is the best, and how to make the right choice.

What material is better for thermal underwear?

The basic composition and peculiarities of weaving are the main selection criteria that buyers should be guided by. However, first of all, you need to determine the operating conditions: where are you going to put it on? For a morning run or an office, because it depends on what the composition should be for thermal underwear so that it can better meet the necessary criteria.

Wet clothes are a direct threat to health, especially when it's not summer in the street. This is an urgent problem for athletes and people who lead an active lifestyle. Therefore, for this category of buyers in priority, thermal underwear is completely synthetic. Due to their unique properties, synthetic materials, often polyester with impurities of nylon, spandex, elastane, quickly remove moisture from the body. They are pleasant to the touch, have low weight, high compactness and resistance to rubbing, easy to clean. Completely synthetic thermal underwear is the optimal solution for people leading an active lifestyle.

For sports lessons with low activity or everyday wear, you can choose a thermal underwear with the addition of natural fibers, namely merino wool. The wool of a fine-wooled lamb, of course, removes moisture worse than synthetics, but it keeps the heat very well.

Obviously, to determine which thermal underwear is the best, you must take into account your activity. But there is also a certain golden mean - it is linen made of combined materials. As a rule, the bottom layer is synthetic, which quickly removes moisture on the outer natural layer, which even when wet, continues to heat.

As for the question of which firm the thermal underwear is better, everything is individual here. First of all it is necessary to start from your material possibilities and sense of comfort. When choosing thermal underwear, it must be tried on: linen should not rub and reap, the seams should not be felt, but it should completely encircle the body.