The Singapore Teaching Method - what is it?

Pedagogy at all times has sought to create an ideal training system, in which students could absorb the maximum of knowledge and skills. And our modern age of technology is no exception.

New educational priorities encourage teachers to search for and introduce modern teaching technologies in schools that help achieve more tangible results of education and upbringing. And increasingly in schools in many countries apply the Singaporean system of education.

Description of the Singapore method

The class is divided into groups of 4 people, each group - a cohesive team, equipped with working material: paper, notebooks, pens, etc. Teams get jobs and noisy in their environment perform it. At the signal, the team quickly changes, the groups are mixed and new teams (fours or pairs) are formed. A question or a new task is given, children in a limited time actively exchange information and skills. Bored students in such lessons do not happen.

At the signal of the teacher "stop!" Self-education stops and the teacher begins summing up the overall results.

Let's just say: the Singaporean method is a set of theses and formulas, called in Singapore structures, for a better study of the lesson, the main ones are designated thirteen, but in fact there are several dozens.

  1. MENEDZH MET - class management, the distribution of students in one team of 4 people: who sits nearby, and who - on the contrary, as an opponent, how to communicate with them.
  2. HIY FIVE - focusing on the raised palm of the teacher as a signal of the beginning of the lesson or the assignment.
  3. CLOCK BADDIS - "friends in time", the group's performance of a specific task for a specific time, because after the signal the composition of the team will change.
  4. ТЭК ОФ - ТАЧ ДАУН - "get up - sit down" - the structure of acquaintance with the class and getting information. When the question is posed, as a positive response the students stand up, those who do not agree continue to sit.
  5. JOTT TOAST - "write down a thought" - an operative task in writing, pronouncing it out loud. Immediately after the analysis of the results.
  6. TEC - TEK - TUU - development of critical and creative thinking in children in the task to make a proposal with the mandatory words in the scheme. Words are perfectly replaced by numbers, for example.
  7. STE ZE CLASS - "mix class" - students are allowed to wander freely around the class in order to collect a maximum of thoughts and answers on their list. After a mandatory general analysis.
  8. CONERS - the distribution of students at the corners of the class according to the options they have chosen.
  9. SIMULTYNIUSS ROUND TABLE is a structure in which all four members of the group perform written assignments, and afterwards transfer them around the circle to a neighbor for verification.
  10. КУИЗ-КУИЗ-ТРЕЙД - "ask - interrogate - exchange cards" - the students check each other and train on the studied material.
  11. TIME PEA SHEA - the two participants exchange complete answers for the task in time.
  12. MIX PEA SHEA - an arbitrary mix of class with music, forming a random couple when the music ends, and discuss the topic in short answers (RELLY ROBIN) or in full.
  13. MIX FRIES GROUP - mixing students with music when it stops - freeze and create groups, the number of which depends on the answer to the question asked.
  14. The warm-up time - the structure of TIM CHIR - a cheerful exercise for raising the mood and spirit, the chant. Inhale, shake, smile.

Achievements of Singaporean structures

Many teachers are faced with a lack of interest in reading and creativity in modern schoolchildren, and this is the most powerful tool in obtaining knowledge on the subject and the multilateral development of abilities. Singapore's technology of teaching in the lesson increases the variety of forms and means that enhance and stimulate any, including. creative, active students.

The use of progressive educational structures allows a new rethinking of the learning process and the direction of instruction towards group and pair forms of work with students.

The methods of the Singapore method are as follows: the collective is divided into groups or pairs and studies a small fraction of the material itself. Each student periodically tries on the role of a teacher, explaining the essence of the question in his words to the neighbor, and vice versa. And the teacher carries out the so-called "included control": listening in turn to one of the representatives of the micro group, evaluates them, corrects, assists and directs them.

The Singapore education system has a lot of advantages:

  1. About half of the children in the class learn to speak and hear at the same time, correct other people's mistakes, thus fixing, correcting and supplementing their knowledge.
  2. Sharply increases the activity of each student in the process, especially in the function of "teacher".
  3. Each student is at the center of the question, he needs to communicate in order to teach his companion what he himself knows, thereby creating a positive attitude towards the learning process.
  4. Training for each child without exception becomes interesting and effective, and the quality of knowledge on the subject is substantially growing.
  5. The students develop communicative qualities, creative thinking, they learn to cooperate, criticize and accept criticism.
  6. Any lesson becomes like a fascinating and rich game and carries in itself exceptionally positive emotions.