Cancer intoxication

In the case of the development of the last stage of a malignant tumor, the so-called cancer intoxication occurs. It is an accelerated decomposition of damaged tissues. As a result, the cancer process is transferred to almost all vital organs. There are several basic symptoms that point to this.

Causes of cancer intoxication

Malignant tumors have the property of rapidly growing. At the same time they consume a lot of sugars, fats and other useful substances, which usually leads to exhaustion of the body. With the accelerated growth of the affected tissue, the network of blood vessels does not have time to form for it. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen in some place, and the cancerous tissue simply dies. In this case, the decay products are toxic to the entire body.

In addition, the process of death can begin and as a result of the patient's refusal to eat, which is often observed in such cases. The tumor does not receive the necessary substances - this leads to the beginning of an irreversible process.

Symptoms of cancer intoxication

Oncological intoxication in each person manifests itself in different signs. It is in connection with this that the process of diagnosis of the disease is complicated. Despite this, there are the main symptoms that are observed in many patients:

Treatment of cancer intoxication

The main thing that you need to provide a patient with a neglected form of an oncological tumor is a full-fledged diet. The food should be vitamins, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A man must drink a lot of water. It is desirable to please patients with their favorite products.

It is important to keep a high emotional mood. Sick people should have constant care from loved ones.

In addition, it is important to observe the intensity of physical exertion. But everything depends on the current state of the person.

All this implies a relief of the patient's condition. Unfortunately, it is not possible to remove the cancer intoxication at home, as an ordinary cold. You can only relieve a person's condition. For this purpose, symptomatic treatment is prescribed. Preparations of different effect are used:

  1. Antiemetic tablets or injections.
  2. With constipation usually prescribed laxatives . These can be candles, powders or tablets. With ineffectiveness, intestinal enemas are attributed to the patients, which contribute to the removal of the products of tumor disintegration.
  3. Sorbents. These drugs are used to bind and remove toxins from the body.
  4. Injections with iron content. They are necessary for the development of anemia.
  5. Analgesics . They help to relieve pain, and also reduce hyperthermia of the patient.
  6. Preparations for regulating the work of the heart. They are appointed only after consultation of the cardiologist and the treating oncologist.
  7. Soothing. Sometimes it helps the patient to rest, which is absolutely necessary in his position.

How many live with cancer intoxication - prognosis

The severe form of an oncological disease in itself can not be favorable. Intoxication indicates the neglect of the process, and therefore the consequences will not be joyful. Despite this, a person can be prolonged even in the last stages of the disease. Therefore, in no case can you succumb to depression and in any case be treated.