Medicinal rhinitis - treatment

The term "medicinal rhinitis" refers to the pathological condition of the nasal mucosa, characterized by a prolonged nasal congestion, a violation of breathing and smell. Less often with this diagnosis, there is an abundant discharge of mucus from the nasal cavity, itching. This form of rhinitis is not associated with inflammatory processes, but comes as a result of the dystonia of the neuromuscular apparatus of the vessels of the nasal mucosa and the stagnation of the blood of the enlarged cavernous bodies of the nasal concha, causing swelling.

The vast majority of cases of drug-induced rhinitis are associated with long-term or exceeding therapeutic dosages of topical vasoconstrictive drugs. At the same time, patients also have psychological dependence on the used spray or drops in the nose. But also the pathology can be connected with reception of other medicines:

Treatment of chronic medical rhinitis

When there are signs of pathology, it is recommended not to engage in self-medication, but to seek help from a specialist. The basis for the treatment of medicamentous rhinitis is the rejection of the drug that triggered its development. In some cases, when it is psychologically difficult to abandon the medicine at one time, the doctors prescribe a scheme to gradually reduce the dosage of this drug.

With mild forms of drug rhinitis, the cure comes on its own after the withdrawal of the vasoconstrictor after one to two weeks. Mucous is restored, puffiness decreases and nasal breathing is restored. In order to speed up this process, doctors recommend washing your nose with saline solutions several times a day.

In more severe cases, the use of nasal corticosteroids (Avamis, Baconaz, Nazonex, etc.) is shown to promote the removal of the mucosal edema due to mechanisms other than the action of vasoconstrictors. Also, antihistamines can be prescribed (Cetirizine, Loratadin, etc.).

Treatment of medicamental rhinitis with laser

When conservative therapy is ineffective, operative methods are resorted to, the most acceptable of which today is exposure to the laser. During the intervention under local anesthesia, the mucosa is truncated, thereby increasing the nasal passages. To achieve the effect, several laser therapy sessions are required (usually 6-8).

Treatment of medicamentous rhinitis with folk remedies

At home, the treatment of medicamentous rhinitis can be supplemented with folk medicine, which will be contribute to the early regeneration of the nasal mucosa, strengthen the vessels, reduce swelling and irritation in the nose. For example, the following methods have a good effect:

  1. Lubricating the nasal passages with sea ​​buckthorn oil with cotton buds 4-6 times a day.
  2. Washing of the nose with infusion of chemist's chamomile and whether field horsetail.
  3. Burying in the nose of the juice of aloe, diluted in water or saline in a proportion of 1: 2, thrice a day for 4-5 drops in each nostril.