Cicas - yellow leaves

Cicas (or a cycad) is an evergreen plant, which many take for a palm tree because of the massive trunk; thick bark covered with scales and large dense leaves growing from the top. In fact, this is a type of fern. Acquiring cicas, you should know that this is a rather capricious plant, its content requires special care and exact implementation of the rules of care. But even experienced flower growers are often puzzled: "The leaves turn yellow - what should I do?"

Cicada: yellow leaves

The appearance of yellow leaves in cicata is associated with improper care, and may also be a consequence of plant disease and damage by pests. In a newly acquired indoor plant yellow leaves indicate difficulties in adaptation.

When deciding how to help the plant, you should first determine why the leaves turn yellow. The reasons for the discolouration can be different, accordingly, the assistance activities will depend on this:

But often all conditions of detention are maintained, but cicada, however, the leaves turn yellow and dry. Why does the cicatate turn yellow with proper care? You should carefully inspect the leaves of the cycad. The fact is that a houseplant can suffer from pests - scabbards , thrips and spider mites . Shields and thrips should be carefully removed with a soft damp sponge or cloth, and then wipe the leaves with vodka or treat with Carbophos or Actellik. Spider mites are afraid of regular spraying. If the parasite settled on the cicada, you should remove the cobwebs and rinse the plant with an aqueous solution of green soap. You can apply drugs: Fitoverm, Carbophos.