Myofascial massage

Myofascial massage is considered an alternative to tightening surgical operations. Consider when a massage is shown and whether it is really effective.

Myofascial massage - what is it?

The procedure is an effect on the deep layers of the skin. The masseur processes 11 myofascial meridians - the so-called anatomical trains. These lines symmetrically pass through the whole body, uniting the disparate, it would seem, parts of the body into a single whole. For example, the posterior surface line extends from the sole to the superciliary arches. Thus, by acting on certain areas, a qualified master is able to positively influence the patient's body condition.

In particular, you can achieve:

Of course, treatment with this kind of manual therapy takes time. In addition, few masters own the technique of myofascial body massage. It should also be remembered that the procedure has contraindications:

It is not recommended to perform a massage, if in the next few days a person undergoes a chemical peeling procedure.

Myofascial facial massage

Women who have undergone the procedure note a high positive result. In this massage does not require the use of any drugs. The master works with his bare hands. The procedure is recommended provided:

With the help of myofascial massage, you can get rid of even the second chin.

Face surface treatment is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. First, the face is cleaned of make-up and applied to the surface of talc.
  2. Master kneads the muscle tissue of the surface.
  3. Then he twists the skin in the zone of the chin and ears, massages the auricles with his thumbs, kneads the cheekbones and forehead zone.

It is worth noting that the procedure requires patience - there are small painful sensations. But, rejuvenation is literally before our eyes.

Myofascial head massage is also aimed at improving the condition of the face. Influencing the tendon helmet and relieving tension in the scalp, the master removes the folds of the skin in the forehead.

Myofascial back massage

This procedure should be performed by a person with a medical background. Otherwise, massage can adversely affect the functionality of the spinal column.

The procedure begins with the massaging of the cervical region, gradually descending to the lumbosacral division. It is desirable that the patient during the massage makes slow breaths and exhalations.

With the help of myofascial massage, you can get rid of joint pain, increase the flexibility of the spine, and improve blood flow.

If it is possible to contact a qualified doctor who knows the technique of myofascial massage, you can get rid of the following pathologies:

It is believed that the author of myofascial massage is the German ideologist Rolfe Ide. But its development would be impossible without the doctrine of myofascial meridians, which came with the technique of ancient Chinese deep massage. In any case, a modern procedure based on Eastern wisdom, allows any woman to put herself in order without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.