Cold in the nose - what to treat?

Colds in the nose are often called in the common people herpetic rashes on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, caused by the herpes virus of the first type. This virus is transmitted more often by contact-household means - through touches, household utensils, but also an air-dropping mechanism of infection is possible. Herpetic eruptions, as a rule, appear on a background of hypothermia, stress, decrease in immunity.

In the nose, the common cold appears rarely and is not a dangerous disease. However, its symptoms cause a lot of discomfort - in addition to feeling itching, burning and soreness, often there is redness on the nose and under the nose, which does not adorn the woman. Anxiety delivers an accidental rip off of the crust that forms during a cold, which can cause the appearance of blood from the nose. Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment as early as possible so that annoying manifestations of pathology retreat as soon as possible. We will consider, than it is necessary to treat a cold in a nose, - than to smear outside and what to accept inside.

Treatment of a cold in the nose with oral medication

Since the symptoms of a cold are somewhat similar to other pathologies (for example, staphylococcal infection), it is recommended to see a doctor who, using laboratory tests, will establish an accurate diagnosis. Assign yourself and take self-medicated systemic drugs for this disease should not be.

With pronounced symptoms, extensive and often recurring rashes, the doctor can prescribe antiviral medications for internal use that will help stop the development, reproduction and spread of infectious agents. Such medicines include:

If you start using antiviral tablets at the first symptoms of a cold in the nose (the appearance of light burning, redness), you can avoid the formation of vesicles and ulcers.

Of the folk remedies for oral ingestion, generally recommended herbal infusions, teas and decoctions are recommended. For example, to strengthen the immune defense of the body are effective:

How to anoint a cold in the nose?

Of pharmacies for colds in the nose are very effective anti-hypersial ointments and creams, the use of which in the first hours of pathological signs can significantly reduce the intensity and duration of manifestations of herpes. Common means of external action are:

Such drugs are applied a thin layer on the affected areas 4-5 times a day with the help of cotton buds.

Traditional medicine offers the following tools for the treatment of rashes for the purpose of early healing:

To reduce pain, itching to the affected area, you can apply an ice cube.

In addition, during the period of illness it is recommended to follow a diet with restriction of simple carbohydrates, refined products, sharp and fried dishes, smoked products. You should give up alcohol and consume more fluids. In order to prevent transmission of infection to relatives and prevent its transfer to other parts of the body, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  1. Do not touch the affected area, and, after touching, wash your hands thoroughly.
  2. Do not rip off the crusts that form.
  3. Use only an individual towel, handkerchief, dishes.