Long-standing delphinium - growing from seeds

Many growers are very attracted to the cultivation of a perennial delphinium . This flower is distinguished by its spectacular appearance, but it is very unpretentious in the care. The size of the plant can reach up to 2 m. The color spectrum is very diverse - they can be white, blue, blue, pink, violet.

Preparation of a perennial dolphinium for seed propagation

It is important to know the subtleties of storing plant seeds. The fact is that plant germination can be guaranteed only when planting from fresh seeds or from those that were properly stored. If the seeds were kept in paper bags, the percentage of their germination significantly decreases. It is best to store them in the refrigerator in aluminum foil bags or in sealed glass containers.

How to grow a long-term delphinium from seeds?

The plant can be planted in two ways:

  1. Planting through seedlings . With this method the plant is planted in late March - early April. For seedling, you need to prepare a soil mixture, which consists of leaf and turf earth, sand and peat. Before planting the seeds pass stratification - they are kept in the refrigerator in a moist environment (you can wrap them in a damp cloth for this). Sowing seeds should not be one by one, but in large quantities in close proximity to each other. They are not buried, but placed on the surface of the ground and lightly sprinkled with earth. For growing seedlings, it is best to observe a temperature regime of 10-12 ° C. After 10-15 days, shoots appear, which must be transferred to the light. When the first leaves germinate, sprouts are planted in separate containers. The flow of water for the plant is best ensured through a pallet. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to enter the sprout during irrigation. At the end of April, transplants can be transplanted into the garden. In summer you can already enjoy the flowering.
  2. Landing in the open ground . With this method, planting a perennial Delphinium is held in autumn. Plant the plant in a well-lit place, protected from drafts. Soil should be chosen fertile, and before planting it pre-fertilize. As a fertilizer you can use humus, compost, mineral fertilizers, wood ash. When sowing seeds in open ground, they pass through stratification naturally due to low air temperature. Flowering occurs in the second year after planting.

Knowing the necessary information how to grow a long-standing delphinium, you can decorate your garden with this extraordinarily beautiful plant.