How useful are the arrows of garlic?

Fried or marinated young green shoots of garlic for many are a favorite snack. But at the same time, not everyone understands the useful arrows of garlic and how they can be used in healthy and dietary nutrition.

Are the hands of garlic useful, according to experts?

On the value of the garlic itself, the spores have not been conducted for a long time, it has been unanimously recognized as a well of useful properties. The same nutritionists talk about garlic shoots, noting that in some cases they may even be preferable. The shooters do not have such a sharp taste, they contain a moderate amount of phytoncides and essential oils, so they are more tender, juicier, practically do not irritate the mucous membranes. They contain those nutrient compounds that are necessary for the plant to ripen, but green shoots have a high nutritional value, yellow ones are already useless.

In green arrows there are vitamins such as C, B6, B12, A, as well as trace elements of manganese, selenium and zinc. Calories in the product is a minimum amount - only 24 kcal per 100 g, so vitamin herbs certainly should be included in your diet slimming.

What other useful properties are the arrows of garlic?

In addition to the low caloric content and rich composition, the useful properties of the arrowheads of winter garlic include: