How often can I bathe a kitten?

Little kittens are full of energy. They spend a lot of mischief and enthusiasm every day in the impetuous rhythm of moving games. It is possible that during this very self-indulgence the kitten can pretty much get smeared, so much so that you will need to buy it. And then you should ask yourself the question, but how do you really need to bathe the kitten properly, and should you bathe the kitten in general? By their nature, cats do not require them to be bathed, except when they are very dirty.

How to properly bathe a kitten?

So, when can you start bathing a kitten? Concerning this strict warning there is no, but at too early age it is not recommended to do this, since the baby is not yet fully strengthened and does not tolerate temperature changes, besides, his mother cat will perfectly cope with the problem of its purity.

If you decide that the kitten still needs to be bathed due to certain circumstances, then you should remember that it is rarely recommended. Nowhere you will find direct instructions on how often you can bathe a kitten, but you can meet the claim that you do not need to bathe cats at all. They perfectly cope with this task, licking themselves. But if the need for bathing procedures does arise, we will give some advice on how to bathe the kitten.

Bathing tips

A small bath or basin should be slightly, depending on the size of the animal, filled with warm water. At the bottom of the bathtub is recommended to lay a rag or a rubber mat so that the kitten can catch on it with claws, so he will feel better. Shampoo should be diluted to the state of soapy water and beforehand gently wetting the kitten with water it is necessary to soap it. Do this in such a way that water does not get into your ears, with the help of stroking, massaging movements. After that, thoroughly wash off the shampoo and take the kitten out of the bath thoroughly soak it with a towel, keeping it from drafts. If the kitten is not afraid of a hair dryer, you can dry it with a hairdryer.