Cat sneezes - what to do?

How many times have the owners of lovely "furry" watched their cats make funny "Ps!" And poke their noses on the floor. Yes, they also sneeze. But why does the cat sneeze? Is this fun procedure always the result of a hair that has got into a nose?

Why does the cat often sneeze?

Infection in the nasal passage caused by herpesvirus, and infectious ear disease are characterized by frequent shaking. If the cat constantly sneezes, note next to which subject, where exactly it begins an attack. This can be an allergic reaction to dust or other irritants from the external environment.

Cats have polyps. They interfere with breathing and cause sneezing - a reflex, aimed at pushing a foreign body from the nasal passage. The disease is not very terrible, but it is better to consult a doctor who will save the cat from unnecessary growths.

Sadly, if an animal has nose cancer . In order to recognize it, you need to do an x-ray and an endoscopic examination.

Asthma is easy to identify at home. If the cat sneezes and breathes hard - go to the vet and begin to treat a serious illness.

If the cat wheezes and sneezes, and sometimes coughs - beeping. All this may be symptoms of a severe disease called chlamydia. Usually chlamydia occurs relatively easily. But in the absence of treatment, the animal dies after a day from the pulmonary edema. Therefore, as you notice that the cat sneezes and breathes heavily, carry it to the doctor for examination. The sooner you start the treatment, the more likely the pet will survive.

Cat sneezes: than to treat?

The cat began to sneeze, what should I do? If you could not find out the cause of this phenomenon, try to exclude the possibility of settling various parasites in the body of the pet. First, give the anthelmintic preparation . Worms often cause constipation, and this causes sneezing. And if you live a whole fluffy family, the drug should be given to all its members.

Then remember, maybe you recently pumped a kitty with a medicine for fleas. This could cause an allergic reaction. And in order to facilitate the life of the animal, decide on the allergen and give something against it yourself or consult a veterinarian.

If all these procedures did not bring relief, urgently conduct a cat survey with a doctor. Do not joke - in your hands is the life of a defenseless little creature who trusts you.