Eggplants baked with vegetables in the oven

Baked eggplants with vegetables in the oven - this is a simple and budget, but a delicious dish. Recipes for cooking are waiting for you below.

Eggplants with vegetables baked in the oven



We cut circles of courgette and eggplant, tomato shredded semicircles. Podsalivaem, garlic crushed with a press. Lubricate the oil form, spread the vegetables in a circle, alternating them. We put the remains of vegetables in the center. Lightly sprinkle with vegetable oil, combine mayonnaise with chopped garlic and sour cream. The resulting sauce is slightly salted, cover them with vegetables and bake at 200 degrees to rosy. When serving, tamper with a dish of chopped herbs.

Eggplant eggs in the oven with vegetables



Eggplant shredded slices up to 10 mm thick. We podsalivaem them, and a quarter of an hour we give to stand. Then already mine and we dry it. Chop the cheese with a grater. Finely chop onions, and pepper cut into small cubes. Chop the onion until it is transparent. We add tomatoes, pepper, chopped garlic, mix, salt. Stew, stirring, until all the liquid evaporates. We spread the eggplants in the form, and from above place the stewed vegetables. Top grease with sour cream and at 180 degrees stew for half an hour. Then we beat the cheese and cook for another 10 minutes.

Eggplants stuffed with cheese and vegetables baked in the oven



The oven is heated to 180 degrees. Eggplant cut in half and extract the pulp with a spoon, leaving stenochki up to 10 mm thick. Flesh cut into small cubes, add salt and for a few minutes we set aside. Then wash them, squeeze and dry them. We clean the onions and zucchini, cut the vegetables into small cubes. We cut the garlic with the blade of the knife and crush it. Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the vegetables and fry, stirring, about 5 minutes. Then we cool. Egg whisk, add cream, crushed cheese and pepper. Fill the fried vegetables with the resulting mixture and mix. We wrap the boats from the bottom with foil, without covering the top, and place it on a baking tray. Fill the blue vegetable mix and lightly pour olive oil. Bake stuffed eggplants in the oven with vegetables until cooked.