Color cake glaze

Color glaze perfectly decorate any, even ordinary-looking cake. From above you can draw various patterns from the cream, mold the figures from the mastic or just scatter the colored sugar powder. But its color and taste depends only on personal preferences. We will tell you today how to make colored glaze for the cake yourself.

Color mirror cake glaze



Chocolate is broken into slices, put in a bowl and melt in a water bath. Cream poured into a saucepan, put on a weak fire and heated, but do not boil. In the melted chocolate, gently enter a little cream, gently stir, and then pour the remaining, not stopping the stirring. After that, add cherry syrup and whisk with a blender until a bright and shiny mass is obtained. A ready colored glaze glaze for the cake is covered with a food film and we remove it for several hours in the refrigerator. Before glazing, we warm it up a little in the microwave.

The recipe for colored cake glaze



And here's another way to make colored glaze, and surprise guests with an exclusive and very bright cake of your own making. In the saucepan pour the strawberry syrup, pour out the sugar and dilute everything with a little cold water. Then put the dishes on the fire and heat up to a temperature of 130 degrees. In the meantime, take a small bowl, pour warm cream into it and put white chocolate, broken into slices. Sheet Pre-soak gelatin in cold water and leave for 30 minutes. Now gently enter the hot syrup into a creamy mass and quickly stir whisk to make the chocolate melt. While the mass is still hot, we pour the diluted gelatin and add the food color if desired. After that, the resulting mass is thoroughly whisked blender at high speed, holding the device at an angle of 45 degrees. At the very end of the preparation, color glaze filter through cheesecloth, cover with a food film and put it away for several hours in the refrigerator. Before use, do not forget to warm it slightly to a warm state.