Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis decided to leave the children without inheritance

To date, Hollywood celebrities Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher parents of two beautiful kids - a one-year-old Dimitri and three-year-old Wyatt Elizabeth. However, despite all the charm of the situation, Ashton in his last interview told about the future of his children. As it turned out, he and his wife decided to give the children the opportunity to earn money on their own, when they grow up, and not to spend their parents' savings.

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis on a walk with children

Ashton rejoices at the childhood of his children

40-year-old actor Kutcher conversation with the interviewer began by telling about his childhood. That's what Ashton said:

"You know, I lived in a very poor family. My parents had a hard time getting money and so they could not buy everything that I asked them for. I remember how much I wanted ice cream, but even I was bought very rarely. Any sweetness was perceived by me as a holiday, and not as a fact of the fact that parents should buy it for me. My children now have a completely different childhood. I believe that they grow in privileged conditions, such as those that many never dreamed of. That's why Mila and I want to create such an environment for the son and daughter, so that they can understand the value of money. While all of them receive without much effort, and me and Mila, this is somewhat troubling. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted, I'm glad that my wife and I can let the children give a lot. I really like to see how they enjoy their new toys and their carefree childhood. I hope that Demetrius and Wyatt Elizabeth will never know the burdens of their growing up in a family in which there are problems with money. "
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After that, Kutcher decided to tell about how, in his opinion, he and his wife should dispose of the money they earned:

"Most recently I spoke with Mila, and we decided that in old age we will give all the money to charity. We want this action to be perceived by the public not as a punishment for our children, but as a useful thing in their upbringing. I am sure that the son and daughter, when they grow up, will think about where they will make money. That's why I do not exclude the fact that they will come to me with a business plan and I will read it and decide to invest my money in this business. I think that this option would be an excellent solution for the children to subsequently be able to provide themselves financially. Already now we constantly tell the children that they will not get money from their moms and dads. Thus, a trust fund that would allow a son and daughter to receive money after our death is out of the question. "

Recall that the same opinion in the upbringing of children adhere to other equally famous personalities. So, for example, more recently, before the press came the billionaire Bill Gates, who said that in old age, all the money will be transferred to charitable funds, thereby allowing the children to earn their own. Artist Sting, the famous chef Gordon Ramzi, singer Elton John also earlier expressed their opinion that they would not spoil the money earned by their offspring.