Cake "Milk girl"

Cake "Milk Girl" - a very light and airy dessert. In another way it is sometimes called a "cake for lovers". Pieces of such delicacies simply melt in the mouth, and one can not be limited to one. Today we will tell you how to prepare this amazing dessert!

Cake "Milk girl" for mastic


For cream:


So, the condensed milk is whipped until smooth with the eggs. Then sprinkle the sifted flour, throw a pinch of baking powder and mix well. Next, take the tracing paper, draw a smooth circle on it and put several dough spoons in the center, leveling it along the contour. Oven warm up well, put our cake there and bake for no more than 2 minutes. Thus, we prepare all the cakes and cool them on the grate, and then remove them from the paper. And this time we make a cream for the cake "Milk Girl". To do this, we combine cream and powdered sugar. Now we collect the delicacy, laying one cake on the other and promazyvaya them richly whipped cream. Sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate or decorate, if desired, with a multicolored mastic and clean for several hours in the refrigerator.

Cake "Milk girl" with peaches


For the cake:

For cream:

For decoration:


Eggs are mixed with condensed milk, pour in flour and baking powder. All carefully mix and pour the portioning dough on paper with a circumscribed circle. Bake cakes for 2 minutes and leave them cool. To make a cream, take the sour cream and beat it well with the powdered sugar. Now we start assembling the dessert: lay out the cakes on the dish, cover it with cream, evenly distribute the canned peaches and cover with the following cake. Ready cake "Milk girl" with fruit is removed for 2 hours in the fridge, and then served to the table.

Cake Recipe "Chocolate Milk Girl" with cherry


For cream:


To make the cake "Chocolate Milk Girl" eggs lightly beat up with milk, pour in flour, cocoa and baking powder. All carefully mix to make a dough, like a pancake. On the baking paper draw a circle, put a few spoons of dough in the center and distribute it. Bake cakes in a preheated oven for exactly 3 minutes, so that they do not burn. Then shift them to the grate, cool and remove carefully from the paper. Next, prepare the cream: cottage cheese thoroughly crushed in a blender with vanillin, and whipped cream with sugar until the appearance of peaks. Carefully mix both masses and put them into the refrigerator. Now we start to form a cake: every cake is smeared with cream, sprinkle with abundantly crushed nuts and lay out the cherry without pits. Fold the cakes on each other, slightly pressing them with your hands. After that, decorate the top of the desired whipped cream, berries, sprinkle with grated chocolate. We remove the finished cake "Milk girl with a cherry" in the refrigerator for freezing.