Unfiltered beer is good and bad

Beer is a fairly common alcoholic drink that many people like. Quite popular was the "live" beer, not passing the filtration system. The benefits and harm of unfiltered beer are very close. And if you exceed the recommended daily allowance, this drink can become harmful to the body.

Caloric content of unfiltered beer

Unfiltered beer is not processed. That is, it does not pass pasteurization, filtration and conservation. By taste, this beer has a more intense taste and a slightly unclear tone. Many people are interested in the question of how many calories in unfiltered beer, because there is an opinion that it quickly grows belly. In fact, 100 calories account for 39 calories. If it is used in large quantities, it can affect the figure.

The use of unfiltered beer

If you use this intoxicating drink in small doses, you can even improve your health. So, for example, unfiltered beer has the following action:

It is worth noting that in the unfiltered intoxicating beverage contains vitamins of group B (thiamin, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid). Also the drink is enriched with useful trace elements, for example, iron, potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus and manganese.

Harm from beer

Speaking about the benefits of unfiltered beer , we can not fail to mention its harm. The alcohol content in the drink makes it quite dangerous for health. First, there is a beer dependence. Secondly, it causes great harm to the whole organism when the drink is consumed excessively. Over time, the liver can decay, and brain activity may be slowed down.