The chest stopped before the monthly

Often, women note that they have stopped before the monthly breast pain, but independently to understand why this happened and what are the reasons - can not. Let's consider this situation and try to find out: should there be a pain in the mammary gland just before menstruation or not.

Because of what does the chest hurt before menstruation?

Mild pain immediately before the menstrual period, about 2 weeks before the expected time, is a sign of such a violation as mastodynia. As a rule, in such cases, painful sensations appear immediately before the process of ovulation and last almost to the most bloody discharge. This happens, first of all, because of the change in the hormonal system.

As a rule, in such cases an increase in the number of epithelial cells occurs, as a result of which the breast becomes more edematous, increases in volume and is painful to the touch. At the same time, it is impossible to say for sure how many days before the month the chest does not hurt.

What are the reasons for the fact that the woman has no longer chest pain before menstruation?

Most often, this happens when the hormonal system is normalized. Failure in her work is observed for various reasons, and can be caused by the use of combined contraceptives, hormonal drugs.

In addition, it must be said that before every menses, from the moment of ovulation, the body prepares for pregnancy. That's why the chest starts to hurt; The glandular tissue is thus prepared for lactation. If conception does not occur within 2 days of the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity, it dies. At the same time the body begins to prepare for menstruation. There is a change in the hormonal system, the concentration of progesterone is reduced to a minimum. That's why the girl and notes that she had a week before her monthly breastache stopped.

It is also worth noting that the pain in the mammary gland can be caused by a phenomenon such as a violation of the ovaries. Often they are restored independently, for 2-3 cycles. In such cases, women often say that they literally the day before the menstrual period, the breast itself has ceased to hurt itself.

Thus, it must be said that the normal chest pain before menstruation should be absent. Only mild, poorly painful discomfortable sensations are acceptable. Therefore, one should not regard the pain in the mammary gland before the monthly, as the norm. In such cases, a woman should consult a doctor to determine the cause of this phenomenon.