Litotic injection

High temperature for a long time no one is surprised and do not scare. It was necessary to transfer it to everyone, but a sufficient choice of antipyretic drugs helps to solve this problem very quickly. It is quite another matter if the heat does not get lost by the usual means. Fortunately, for such cases, a lytic injection was invented. This injection is quite strong, to use it as a normal antipyretic. But in emergency situations, it is indispensable.

Composition of lytic injection

The heat causes a lot of discomfort. If the temperature is not knocked down for a long time, dehydration can begin. In addition, prolonged hyperthermia is fraught with disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous system, which account for too much workload.

Lipid injection is a simple but very effective mixture that is designed to quickly remove all heat symptoms. In addition to antipyretic, it has an analgesic effect, which is also important in hyperthermia.

There is an injection of three main components:

  1. The main is Analgin. He performs the basic - antipyretic - function, and also relieves the patient of muscle and debilitating headaches .
  2. An important component of the lytic injection from temperature is Diphenhydramine. The substance is necessary to enhance the effect of analgin and prevent allergic reactions.
  3. Papaverine hydrochloride is an excellent antispasmodic substance. It expands the vessels and additionally enhances the antipyretic properties of the mixture.

How to do a lytic injection?

Standard dosage of injection:

It is calculated for a person weighing approximately 60 kg. For heavier patients, the proportions change - for every 10 kg is added 1/10 part of the substance.

Mix the injection after the components are heated to the temperature of the patient. The substances are added in turn. The injection is injected slowly, the needle must be in the body for two-thirds of its length.

Usually, after what time the lytic prick acts, does not depend on the severity of the patient's condition, and positive changes can be noticed within half an hour after the injection. To avoid possible side effects, which occur with a sharp drop in temperature, it is better to give the patient water.

Since the lytic injection is very strong, it can be done no more often than once every six hours.