How to put a harness on a cat?

Modern owners of cats are accustomed to walking their pets or transport them in transport, keeping on a leash . It is very convenient and safe, but often quick and small cats from a simple collar break out and run away. Therefore, in such cases it is better to use a harness .

If you have purchased such a device, you first need to figure out how to properly attach a harness to a cat, so that walking as a result is pleasant and does not cause the pet to dislike the new object on its body.

In our master class we will show you how easy it is, and after several attempts you will learn how to put on your pet this minute simple adaptation.

Before trying on new things, you should let the animal get acquainted with its new "harness", sniff it, play with the straps. Be prepared for the fact that from the first days of dating, the cat may not get used to the harness, and it may be necessary to wait about 2 to 3 weeks until the pet finally "makes friends" with the new object.

Do we put on a harness for the cat?

  1. The first thing you need to carefully consider this interesting and unusual at first glance thing to understand how it can be dressed. As a result, we see that our "eight" harness looks almost like it is called. One ring is closed and connects to the strap that covers the cat's trunk in the armpits, on it there is a carbine to which the leash clings.
  2. Now we can safely wear a ring that is designed for the neck.
  3. Then turn the harness in such a way that the jumper is on the neck. As a result, we see that the carbine is located on the withers, and not on the belly of the cat, so we did everything right - to fasten the leash to the stomach, at least, it is uncomfortable.
  4. Before you tie a harness for a cat, you need to expand the space, for this we move the strap.
  5. Now take the right front paw of the cat, push it between the strap and the ring, after which the jumper is on the chest and the paw covers the harness.
  6. Now in the armpit of the left paw, we pass the edge of the strap and stretch it to the fastener.
  7. We carefully fasten the strap so that there is not too much free space, otherwise you'll have to run after the animal.
  8. After these actions, we check that nothing is pulled together, the throat and the harness fit tightly to the body.
  9. We look, that the jumper exactly "sat" on the chest and the left paw, nothing would stop you from moving.

As you can see, wearing a harness cat only seems like a difficult task, in fact everything is elementary here.