How to stop drinking women?

Many have heard that quitting a woman is not so easy as stopping a man. But the most terrible thing is that the problem of treating female alcoholism is becoming more common every year. Maybe the image of beer advertising is to blame for everything, and maybe the notorious emancipation - after charging herself and her house, her husband, and her career, a woman can not stand and drown her cares in alcohol. Who knows, but alcohol dependence in women and girls is, unfortunately, a reality. But what to do, how to quit drinking a woman, can it be done at home or should the treatment of female alcoholism be entrusted to professionals?

How to cure female alcoholism?

Well, who among us, ordinary inhabitants, knows how to cure female alcoholism? It's unlikely that a specialist-narcologist has such knowledge. Therefore, if it is really about serious dependence, to think how to treat female alcoholism at home is at least silly. After all, the fight against this disease includes not only (and not so much) the intake of medications, as much as psychological help. Only a professional psychologist can help in this situation, it is he who will tell the woman what she is risking, choosing alcohol instead of her husband and children (friends, relatives). Therefore, do not take risks, trying to solve the problem of alcoholism at home, it is better to trust a professional. By the way, a specialist not only tells the woman how to stop drinking, but her relatives will give recommendations.

How to deal with female alcoholism?

It's up to the woman herself to make the decision to rid herself of the addiction - if there is no desire to do it, then all the techniques will be useless. But a woman who decided to quit drinking will need help and support from close people. After all, why does a woman start drinking? Most often these are strong stresses, family troubles, which no one helped to solve to a woman, and she began to walk away from a difficult reality with the help of alcohol. But usually a woman has a highly developed maternal instinct, and if she says that her behavior harms children, this will serve as a good incentive to get rid of alcoholism. Often, women, after completing the course of treatment in the clinic, start drinking again because they return home and again see the disorder and their own uselessness. And how to fix this situation they already know, there is an experience - a bottle is different, and problems seemingly do not exist. Therefore, relatives should help, not blame the woman, but support her. In no case can you shame it, you need to remember that alcoholism is a chronic disease, and stress, reproaches can cause a new breakdown. It is better to convince a woman that getting rid of alcoholism is a real victory, and let her be proud that she managed to cope with addiction, which proved to be stronger than a harmful addiction.

Treatment of female alcoholism with folk remedies

At all times, people remained distrustful of official medicine, and so folk wisdom preserved the prescriptions against many "sores". So with alcoholism, she knows how to fight. But since we are civilized people, we must remember that any grandmother's method must first receive the doctor's approval, and only then be used in practice.

  1. When treating alcoholism as a supporting drug it is recommended to drink broths of herbs that reduce cravings for alcohol. Such abilities are possessed by a gold-thousander, creeping thyme, angelica, wormwood and St. John's Wort. Brew them should be as indicated on the packaging and drink instead of tea.
  2. In the people there is also antialcoholic aromatherapy. It is necessary to sprinkle birch firewood generously with sugar and let it burn. The patient should breathe smoke from such fuel. Folk healers claim that the unpleasant effect comes after the first glass of alcohol, which makes it necessary to refuse alcohol in the future.