How to move objects by the power of thought?

Lovers of fantasy, the unknown side of the world, the otherworld, UFOs and other things - you've all heard of telekinesis and, unlike those who just love to read about the hobbits before going to sleep, you dream and live the idea of ​​mastering telekinesis. We will tell you how to move objects by the power of thought , but we do not guarantee that you will get it.

It is impossible to move thought

The essence of telekinesis is not at all to believe that you can think and move the remote to your hands. On the contrary, you have to understand that it is impossible, that in the world there are impossible things, and everything that is impossible can still be changed. That is, first of all, realize that the movement of objects by the power of thought is impossible, and then believe that you can do the impossible.


In order to develop the ability to move objects by the power of thought, one must begin with the movement of emptiness.

In a spare moment, sit comfortably and look into the void for a long time. A few tens of minutes - and all in order to see the emptiness. What is emptiness? Emptiness is nothing concrete, everything around, but nothing definite.

Do not imagine that you move the curtains, just see how the emptiness moves in space.


The second step on the way to controlling objects by the power of thought is to work on your own hands. Raise your hand to the eye level, completely relax it, and realize that it is moving precisely because you want it. Clench your fist, accenting on this brain, do the same with the rest of the body. Then learn to move your arm without straining your muscles.


The classical inventory of those who decided to learn how to move things by the power of thought is a feather. Put it in front of you in good light and start to consider for a long time, studying how a new acquisition is to the smallest detail. When you look tired, repeat to yourself that to move his thoughts, of course, it is impossible (you must believe that this is impossible!). Further move it!

The pen should move 1 mm, and this, of course, did not work the first time. So, you should work on a fantasy and imagine that you have moved it, see in real life that it is moving.

Many days will pass to the passage of each stage, in the end, you must deal with the most important of them - the immediate, real movement of the pen.

Just try to do this, realizing that maybe it will not work out, but it can work out.

This will happen not with the first, nor with the hundredth attempt. But there are people who are doing this impossible, which means that you can.