Fear of touch

Many residents of megacities are afraid of touch. And this is caused not by some kind of childish mental trauma , but by the desire to minimize physical contact with persons who are not pleasant or even unfamiliar with them.

Fear of touch, often occurs from childhood, that in adult life is called just "phobia" . Depending on how the child develops relationships with his parents, how in adulthood he will react to a normal handshake or a kiss on the cheek.


It is worth noting that the fear of other people's touches is also called haptophobia, thixophobia, aphephobia, hypnophobia, etc. This phobia occurs with obsessive-compulsive disorder. It finds its manifestation in the form of fear, which carries in itself the pollution, which carries a touch.

Often, a person suffering from such a phobia, in this way, seeks to protect themselves, protect their personal space. Basically, it is limited only by the fear of touching the person of the opposite sex. Among women this is due to the appearance of fear of sexual assault.

There is a great risk of developing this phobia in boys who raped as a child. This is explained by the fact that a person refuses to trust others. He is afraid of being hurt again.

So, one who suffers from haptophobia when another person touches him, experiences feelings characterized by both usual malaise, and panic attacks, asphyxiation.

It will not be superfluous to note that behind the fear of touching may be completely different phobia. It is possible that this can be: the fear of infection (the individual in the touch of others sees nothing less than a hotbed of microbes), the phobia of people of a particular sex or those that have the same sign (for example, fear of obese people), fear of aggressive the reaction of a person, the fear of strangers, strangers, etc.

It also happens that one who suffers from haptophobia, negatively relates to wind or water. This is due to the fact that the sensations arising from physical effects resemble those of others.

Haptophobia is curable, and an appropriate specialist should prescribe the appropriate treatment. For help, you need to contact a therapist that specializes in treating the appropriate phobia. At first he will try to analyze the causes of this fear.

Also, psychotherapists strongly recommend getting rid of this phobia by being in a crowd. So, every person is afraid of something to some extent. Sometimes this fear is quite normal, and at times it is necessary to seek cure from phobia and fully enjoy life.