The problem of personality in social psychology

Personality. From time immemorial, thousands of philosophers, and later psychologists, aspire to know its essence, the true "I", the nature of its consciousness and the hidden motives of the unconscious. Every man, as if he did not believe that he fully knew himself, is mistaken. All of us are unknown to the end of the particle of the vast universe. Therefore, the problem of personality remains relevant in social psychology to this day.

The problem of understanding the personality in psychology

So, for today, thanks to the works of many talented psychologists, there are the following approaches to the study of personality:

  1. Diagnosis of its socio-psychological structure.
  2. The study of personality in terms of sociology and psychology.
  3. Analysis of all possible ways of its socialization.

If we talk about its structure, then, according to the teachings of Z. Freud, we should distinguish:

  1. The personal component of "It". These include drives, which in any case will be condemned by society.
  2. "Super-I". It is in this category should be attributed to the laws of morality, moral principles of man.
  3. "I". It unites bodily needs, instincts. There is always a struggle between the two previous components.

The problem of the formation of personality

At certain stages of its development, a person is perfected, turns into a mature personality. The stages of its formation are revealed precisely in the process of education. In addition, interacting with the society, developing their communication skills, each of us develops self-reliance, manifests its individuality.

The problem of personality in sociology

It is customary for sociologists to define the concept of a person as: