Types of human temperament

Each of us has a huge number of friends. Some like to complain about life, others serve as role models. All of them are completely different, individual persons. But they also have similar features and characteristics, which are called temperament. Do you know what kind of temperament you are and what kind of people you like best? If not, we will disclose to you all the details of this issue.

Temperament - its properties and types

Surely many people have heard about a man, that he is a very temperamental person. But what is behind these words and what characteristics allowed him to give such an assessment? The study of temperament types helped to make the conclusion to psychologists that the mental processes of a person proceed in a certain rhythm, the feelings can be expressed in different degrees and the energy of actions also varies. Temperament is closely related to the innate characteristics of the higher nervous activity of man. It is characterized by differences between people in terms of emotionality, impressionability, behavior and any activity. In other words, this is the dynamics of the personality, which is innate, manifests itself in childhood and does not lend itself to upbringing. However, it is worth remembering that beliefs, life principles and worldview towards temperament have nothing to do with.

Psychologists divided the types of temperament into 4 parts, each of which is a characteristic of an integral personality, but in the pure form it is very rare. So, the types of temperament rights today are divided into choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic.

  1. Choleric. A person with a similar temperament is characterized by a bright experience of different states and also quickly forget them. Usually this is expressed in quick temper and immediately following her quick quickness. The choleric temperament characterizes its owner as a very mobile and energetic person. In the life of choleric people are very passionate natures, whose experiences are always deep, feelings instantly replace each other, and movements are sharp and swift.
  2. Sanguine. It looks like a choleric person, but if the first movement is sharp, then sanguine people make them easily and smoothly. People who have a similar temperament can be called surfaces. Emotional states, so quickly replacing each other, do not linger in the consciousness of the sanguine person. Therefore, he quickly forgets grievances and attachments. In general, it is a cheerful person, who has a very moving facial expression, which is very impressive and easily distracted by external stimuli.
  3. Melancholic. Such a temperament can be found in people who have a slow movement of mental processes. Usually a melancholic person can be called a person, who most often has a sad or gloomy mood, his movements are slow and awkward, he himself is indecisive, closed and not sociable. Such people are very hard at experiencing life difficulties, keep their feelings deep in their souls and often hesitate in making decisions.
  4. Phlegmatic person. Like melancholy, such a person is primarily distinguished by slowness in matters and in his own speech. It is almost impossible to get mad thanks to an even and unflappable character. Before taking any action, the phlegmatic will carefully and carefully consider it. Therefore, such people hold on tightly to their workplace and are strongly urged to work, with difficulty switching to another.

How do you know your type of temperament?

Today, the definition of the type of temperament is a task that even a schoolboy can cope with. Some people just need to read a description of each of the species, in order to understand what to include. However, professional diagnostics such as temperament consists of a combination of different techniques and techniques that are aimed at obtaining a holistic picture of the psychological characteristics of the individual.

One of the simplest is the method for determining the type of temperament. Boundary. The subject is asked to line by line one of the 15 characteristic signs of a particular temperament.

No. Characterological feature Sanguine Phlegmatic person Choleric Melancholic
1 Equilibrium of behavior Well-balanced Perfectly balanced Unbalanced Very unbalanced
2 Emotional experiences Superficial, short-term Weak Strong, short-term Deep and protracted
3 Mood Steady, cheerful Steady, without great joys and sorrows Unstable with a predominance of vigorous Unstable with predominance of pessimism
4 Speech Loud, lively, smooth Monotonous, joyful Loud, sharp, uneven Quiet with a gasp
5 Patience Moderate Very big Weak Very weak
6th Adaptation Excellent Slow Good Difficult (closed)
7th Sociability Moderate Low High Low (closed)
8 Aggressiveness in behavior Peaceful behavior Restraint in behavior Aggressive Hysterical behavior, resentment and avoidance of complexities
9 Attitude to criticism Calm Indifferent Excited Grieving
10 Activity in activity Vigorous (business) Behavior of the indefatigable worker Passionate, passionate Uneven, reactive behavior (as a response to the activity of others)
eleven Attitude towards the new Indifferent Negative Positive The optimistic attitude is replaced by a pessimistic one and vice versa
12 Attitude to danger Calculating, without much risk Cold-blooded, unperturbed Combat, risky, without special calculation Anxious, confused, depressed
13 Striving for a goal Fast, avoiding obstacles Slow, stubborn Strong, with full dedication That strong, then weak, with avoidance of obstacles
14 Self-evaluation Some reassessment of their abilities Real assessment of their abilities Significant reassessment of your abilities Most often - an underestimation of their abilities
15 Anxiety and suspiciousness Small Stable Moderate Large
Sum of points

Suppose that in the question "Balancing of Behavior", the answer to you is "perfectly balanced" and the answer "well-balanced" is slightly inaccurate. In this case, the most favorable answer is a score of 2 points, less than 1 point, and the remaining values ​​are zero.

The type of personality that, in the end, outperforms the rest by points, is predominant.

Having carried out an independent diagnosis of yourself or any of the individuals of interest, do not forget that knowing how to determine the type of temperament does not yet guarantee a one hundred percent hit. In nature, temperaments occur in a mixed form, in which one predominates. Thus, even if you are confident that you know a person well, do not forget the pitfalls of his personality.