19 weeks of pregnancy - the location of the fetus

Four and a half months of pregnancy is already behind, it is on week 19 that Mom can firstly feel the movements of her baby. And if this happened before, now he will remind you of his presence much more often.

Fetal size and weight at 19 weeks

The fetus in 19 weeks of pregnancy already, as never before, reminds the tiny little man. In the period from 19 to 20 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus already reaches almost 300 grams, and the growth from the crown to the toes on the legs is about 20-23 cm. At this age, the baby already begins to react to light or darkness and distinguish them. The eyes of the child are still closed.

Fetal position at 19 weeks old

At this time, the position of the fetus was not finally established. The size of the baby is still small enough, and there is enough room inside the uterus to calmly move and change its position, because the child is already very active. There are several variants of the arrangement of the fetus in the womb at the 19th week of pregnancy: head, pelvic oblique and transverse.

In case the baby has taken a head presentation, then his head is at the bottom. This is the position the child must take before giving birth. It is considered correct, because during childbirth the child moves directly forward with the head. If at the 19th week of pregnancy the fetus took a pelvic presentation, then the cervix or the buttocks are attached to the cervix. With this position of the baby, the process of labor is complicated, but nevertheless birth can be natural. But we do not forget that the baby, who took the pelvic presentation at the 19th week of pregnancy, will change it more than once.

In the transverse presentation - this is when the legs and the head of the baby are in the lateral parts of the uterus, the shoulder is attached to the cervix. If the child is in this position immediately before childbirth, then in this case a cesarean section is done.

There may also be an oblique presentation of the fetus, in this position the baby is diagonally positioned relative to the axis of the uterus, from this position the baby is easier to move and change its position.

To seriously think about the position of the baby is not before 30 weeks, and until this moment there is no reason to worry. At 19 weeks the position of the child is very unstable. In this time, the future mummy just needs to watch her posture, try not to stand for a long time and not sit in one place, lean forward only. Special light physical exercises also help the baby to take the correct position in the maternal tummy.