Which pregnancy test is better?

Self-diagnosis of impending fertilization with the help of specially issued pregnancy tests has become quite common, especially among young and modern women. However, before attacking the pharmacy showcases in the hope of buying the best pregnancy test, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself with the available assortment and understand what their evidence is based on. In any case, do not rely only on the reliability of the pregnancy test and delay with a visit to gynecology, since it is the specialist who can put the most accurate diagnosis.

How does the pregnancy test work?

The future placental organ, which begins its existence from the very moment of fertilization, begins to produce a chorionic hormone. The latter is obliged to block the ability of the ovaries to reproduce one more egg, ready for conception, thus preventing concomitant fertilization. The principle of the pregnancy test is to detect the presence of a certain level of the hormone HCG, which is inherent only in a pregnant woman.

What are the tests for pregnancy?

Modern pharmacology has taken care of expanding the assortment of such products. The principle of their work is the same, but there are certain nuances that will help you choose the most suitable option. Consider the most common types of pregnancy tests.

Interactive test is a rather unusual, computerized method of diagnosing fertilization . The woman needs to enter the required parameters into the computer and press the thumb pad to the square on the monitor. If the figure is red, you are pregnant. You can treat this online testing differently - seriously or in jest, but you probably should not trust it.

Injury test for pregnancy - there are special components inside the device that, when the hCG hormone enters them, immediately join it and make it visible. It is assumed that it provides almost 100% accuracy of the result, which can be obtained in a few minutes. This makes it possible to establish the "interesting position" that has come about, just two or three days after the delay in menstruation. However, the inkjet test can also fail due to the following factors:

The most common is the rapid test for pregnancy in the form of a test strip. It is a thin strip of paper on which reagents are applied. In order to properly use it, you need to collect a little morning urine in the container and put a strip in it for literally a couple of minutes. The inconvenience may lie in the absence of the necessary packaging or the inability to assemble the assays in principle.

A more adapted home pregnancy test is a cassette or tablet version of the device. The principle of its action is the same as that of all the others, but there is no need to collect a portion of urine in a container. It is necessary to put literally a drop of the analysis on a special window on the test, and to the right of it the result will be shown.

A multiple pregnancy test is a state-of-the-art device that can be connected to a computer and receive the most detailed information about the level of HCG, the expected date of birth or favorable days for fertilization. To do this, you need to conduct a standard procedure for passing the analysis using a special cartridge, which is then inserted into the connector.

To answer exactly the question of which pregnancy test is better, it is simply impossible, because each woman chooses the most convenient and acceptable option for herself.