What is useful herring?

Herring, and simply - herring - everyone is familiar and loved, good in various cold salads and snacks. However, like any sea fish, it also has useful properties.

What is useful herring - composition

  1. In herring, a large amount of protein is found, which is necessary for any organism, the daily norm of which can be obtained by eating 200 g of the product.
  2. As an inhabitant of the seas, it contains iodine, which affects the state of the thyroid gland.
  3. In the herring fillet found potassium, supporting the work of the heart.
  4. Magnesium, found in fish, normalizes the work of all body systems.
  5. Sodium helps to lower arterial pressure due to the vasodilator effect, and also helps to retain fluid in tissues.
  6. Zinc contributes to the strengthening of immunity.

Considering the question of how useful herring for women, it should be noted that herring is a marine creature, and has in its composition polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, beneficial for the work of the gastrointestinal tract and promote the elimination of "bad" cholesterol from the body, the release of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and weight loss.

What else is useful herring for the body?

It is established that its consumption reduces the risk of heart attacks, and also prevents the formation of blood clots, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. There are experimental confirmations that the consumption of herring improves vision, activates brain activity. In addition, recent studies give rise to the assertion that the herring has found useful properties that allow us to weaken the course of psoriasis.

Often, disputes about herring express doubts: if the useful properties of fresh fish are undeniable, what can be useful is a salted herring, but it turns out, and in a salty product there is a benefit. The selenium present in herring has the properties of an antioxidant, and also regulates oxidative processes in blood plasma.

However, it is worth remembering that salted and pickled herring is a perishable product and is not subject to long-term storage.