Antiviral for children

No matter how parents try to protect their child from disease, the disease still overtakes him. Often a sick child is not evidence that parents are careless about their duties. The fact is that the general decrease in immunity in people occurs from year to year due to deterioration of environmental conditions, quality of nutrition and so on. And children's immunity, as is known, is much weaker than an adult. And every possible pathogenic microorganism is constantly modified and subjected to mutations, forcing scientists to search for more and more means for their treatment.

The most common diseases among children - all kinds of SARS, including influenza. For their treatment and prevention, a wide variety of antiviral drugs for children are widely used.

Features of the use of antiviral drugs for children

Undoubtedly, the main condition in the treatment of children is the supervision of a doctor and strict regulation of medicines. At the first manifestations of a malaise in a child, put him to bed, make tea and call a district doctor - he will be able to diagnose and prescribe good antiviral drugs for children in accordance with the child's age and the nature of the disease.

It should be remembered that antiviral drugs for children are effective only at the first stages of the disease, when the viruses have not yet multiplied in the body so much that it is difficult to fight them. Therefore, many parents decide on their own and give the medications to the child themselves, before the appointment of a doctor. Most often, we are talking about homeopathic remedies. And although homeopathy is not recognized by traditional medicine and is not supported by appropriate research, many medications are easily sold in pharmacies and are in great demand.

Thus, antiviral drops of aflubin and viburkol suppositories are a special success among pharmacy homeopathic preparations for children, which in addition have anti-inflammatory effects and are widely used even for the treatment of babies and pregnant women. How effective these antiviral drugs are for children is difficult to say. But judging by how actively they are appointed by children's and family doctors, you can hope that they are at least not harmful.

List of antiviral drugs for children

We bring to your attention the list and brief description of medicines that are most often used as antiviral therapy in children with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

  1. Interferon gamma - powder, which is dissolved in water and dripped into the nose. Assign children almost from birth, because it is a synthesized analogue of interferon - a protective protein, which is produced by the body when the temperature rises to fight the disease and strengthen immunity.
  2. Viferon (interferon alfa) - antiviral candles, the active substance of which is the same interferon. In such a medicinal form they are more convenient for the treatment of very young children.
  3. Genephron is an antiviral spray for children based on interferon alfa-2b.
  4. Ramantidine - antiviral tablets for children older than 7 years, intended for treatment of influenza and ineffective in other ARVI.
  5. Orvirem is an antiviral syrup for children, the active ingredient of which is rimantadine and, in contrast to tablets, is designed to treat children from year to year.
  6. Kagocel - tablets, which must be taken within the first 4 days of the onset of the disease.
  7. Arbidol is a widely advertised and often prescribed drug, however, one should remember that there are not enough convincing studies of its safety and effectiveness.
  8. Oxolin ointment is one of the most proven antiviral prophylactic drugs for children.