Why does the child have bruises under his eyes?

If your baby is now sleeping badly or not, it is likely that in the morning he will wake up with a blue under his eyes. In this case, you should not worry, just let the baby fully rest and everything will go by itself. But if suddenly bruises and swelling in the periorbital zone have become habitual phenomena on the childish face, then it is worthwhile to seriously think about the possible reasons for their appearance and ways of solving this problem.

So, the child is pale and he has bruises under his eyes - let's find out why this happens.

Why did a school-age child have bruises under his eyes?

Today, to meet a schoolboy whose skin shines with health is a rarity, and who is to blame for this. It's not the case in the school curriculum, which can tire even an adult. Not the parents who, due to their employment, do not pay proper attention to the organization of their grown-up children's leisure time and do not follow the contents of his plate so carefully. One thing is obvious: most often the reasons for the appearance of bruises under the eyes of a schoolboy are:

Of course, it's not easy to fix the situation. After all, one way or another, the child must receive an education, so elementary things like doing homework and attending lessons will not be canceled. But make sure that in his spare time the kid does not play computer games and does not watch TV, parents can do it. It is also quite possible to revise and diversify the diet of a schoolboy by useful products. In addition, so that the question of why the child is pale and he has bruises under his eyes, does not bother anymore, you need to get busy with the organization of leisure. Sports and active outdoor games - that's what modern adolescents especially lack.

Why does a young child have bruises under his eyes?

How are things with students in general education institutions, we figured out, now we will stop on "wheelchair" geek.

Often, the question of why a small one-year-old or even a month-old baby has bruises under his eyes, are not worried about inexperienced moms. And in this case, the alarm is well founded. After all, writing off the blue under the eyes of babies for banal nedosyp, oxygen starvation or overwork, at least, is not reasonable. So, the cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon in newborns can serve as:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system, in particular, often the appearance of bruises is associated with heart defects.
  2. Disturbances in the liver. This body is responsible for the neutralization of toxic substances. Therefore, when he does not cope with the assigned task, harmful substances enter the child's blood, and as a result, an uncharacteristic blue appears.
  3. Infection with helminths. Glistular invasion is a phenomenon common among children who begin to actively explore the world and try the surrounding objects to taste. The danger is not so much the parasites themselves that "take away" from the baby a portion of useful substances, but the products of their vital activity, which poison the children's body.
  4. Harmful habits of a nursing mother. The blue under the eyes of a newborn baby who is breastfed is a loud signal that it is time for Mom to think about her lifestyle and the health of her child immediately.
  5. Hereditary factor. The close arrangement of blood vessels - basically this physiological feature is genetically laid down and there is no danger for the baby.
  6. Anemia. This problem is faced by adults and children. The state, of course dangerous, but reparable. Compensate for lack of iron can be adjusted menu of the young.
  7. Dehydration. If the baby has diarrhea or vomiting, and he became pale, and under the eyes there were blue circles, then this is a sure signal about dehydration of the body.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the bruises under the eyes of the child - this is a good reason not just to review his regime and menu, but also to undergo the necessary examination. Since even in schoolchildren uncharacteristic blueness in the periorbital zone can signal a beginning pathological process in the body.