When do birthmarks appear in children?

The old sign says that if a child has many birthmarks, then his fate will be happy and easy. Many people believe that by the number and location of moles can be judged on the nature and even the future of man.

At the same time, the appearance of moles in children often worries parents, and sometimes the excitement about the safety of birthmarks "marks" really makes sense.

Causes of the appearance of moles

Official medicine claims that the appearance of moles, their number and size are determined genetically, that is, depend on heredity. To provoke the appearance or degeneration of already existing moles can also be adverse external factors (the most common cause is ultraviolet irradiation). At the same time, scientists call nevuses (the scientific name of moles) areas of skin with little immune defense. This is what causes their ability to change size and color, inflammation or even rebirth. From this point of view, even the most inconspicuous moles are a potential danger. At the same time, it is not premature to panic - the probability of degeneration does not depend on the number of birthmarks on the skin. And the fact that a child was born with a mole does not at all mean that over time it will become inflamed or turn into a malignant tumor.

Kinds of moles

Strictly classified moles is quite problematic. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, their color varies from red to brown and black. The nevuses can appear on any part of the skin of the body. Many parents experience because of red birthmarks in children, considering them the most dangerous. In fact, this is not so. Regardless of who has such a birthmark, in an adult or a child, the red birthmark does not differ in principle from the nevuses of other flowers. At the same time, the convex birthmark of the child should be under the close attention of the parents, because the protruding part is easily damaged. If the child tore, hacked or combed the birthmark, it is best to contact the dermatologist - so you will protect the health of the child. Remember that the earlier a tumor is detected, the easier and faster it will be to remove and recover.

At birth, most babies do not have birthmarks (although a small percentage of nevi are congenital). The most frequent age, when there are birthmarks in children - is a period of five months to two years. Their appearance also intensifies during periods of hormonal outbursts in the body.

Reasons for concern

A sharp surge in the activity of the formation of nevi in ​​adulthood is definitely the reason to consult a doctor. The same can be said about the situation when already existing moles begin to noticeably change color, shape or structure, start to itch, hurt or bleed. Speaking birthmarks are often traumatized, torn or detached. That's why they are more dangerous than flat, non-protruding above the surface of the skin of the nevus.

Methods of removing moles in children

Removal of moles in children and adults is carried out according to the following methods:

Attempts to remove moles independently are strictly prohibited. Unqualified intervention, damage to nevus tissue sometimes causes the harmless birthmark to turn into a malignant tumor. Therefore, if there is any anxiety or anxiety from the nevi, do not attempt to remove yourself, but contact a dermatologist. After the examination, the specialist will determine the level of danger and choose the appropriate method of removal (if necessary).