Elkar for children

The composition of Eulkar

The main component, which is the basis of Elkar - carnitine. Thanks to carnitine there is a splitting of fats - the most important source of energy for the human body. Carnitine in its composition is close to the vitamins of group B. The impact of certain factors can cause a shortage of carnitine in the body of any person. Especially detrimental to the deficiency of carnitine affects the life of the child, because without him, the development and growth of the muscular and nervous system is simply impossible. Due to a lack of carnitine, fat metabolism is disrupted, and exhaustion may occur. Replenish the supplies of carnitine and adjust the metabolism will help Elkar.

The doctor may recommend the administration of drops of elcar to children up to a year if:

Parents should remember that only reduced body weight is not a direct prerequisite for the appointment of Elkar for infants. The doctor should evaluate the child's condition, appetite and behavior in a comprehensive manner. The kid does not show undue anxiety, eats well, regularly empties, sleeps soundly, and the doctor recommends drinking Elkar? In this case, it is worth asking the opinion of another specialist.

How and in what dosage should you take elkar to children?

The daily dose of the drug is divided into two or three doses. Before taking the drops, dilute with water and give the baby 30 minutes before eating. This will improve the absorption of the drug and make the effect of its reception the strongest.

Dosage of elcara to children

How to give the child Elkar?

When giving drops of elkar to children, immediately it is not worth waiting for the effect. Most likely, the first results will show themselves in a period of 2 weeks to a month. Because of this, it is very important that the doctor carries out continuous monitoring of the reception of Elkar by children, and especially by babies up to a year. Parents should also closely monitor changes in the child's behavior.

Contraindication to taking Elkar is only one - an individual intolerance to the drug. Usually, drops of elcar are carried well for children, but there is a chance that your child will perceive the reception of Elkar negatively - become irritable, whiny, too excitable. There may be pain in the tummy, appetite will be lost. Urine can acquire a sharp specific smell. As soon as parents notice such changes in the child, they should apply for partial or complete abolition of Elkar to the doctor.