Fighting spider mite

All kinds of insects and strive to undermine the health of your green pets and regularly penetrate the windowsills and gardens. Particularly difficult is the struggle with a spider mite on indoor plants, which he loves most. Firstly, it is difficult to trace that it was precisely the invader that attacked, and not some other one. And secondly, it is impossible to defeat all living individuals and larvae in one fell swoop, multiple treatments will be required.

Struggle against spider mites with folk remedies

It is best to use for the destruction of insects are not chemical drugs that have a toxic effect, and apply methods to control the spider mite folk remedies. This will take very little, because all that is necessary is in every house.

Infusion of onion husks

To wash the spider mite from the chosen places it is necessary to take 100 grams of dry husks for 5 liters of water, and to insist about 5 days. After filtering, the solution is poured into a container with an atomizer and all the leaves are treated in the bathroom, as well as the soil.

Garlic tincture

Like onions, you can use garlic. Only instead of the husks use crushed teeth (1-2 heads), which are poured with a liter of water and cleaned insist for 5 days. Once the product is ready, it is diluted 1: 1 with water and sprayed with flower crops.

Soap solution

The fight against a spider mites will be effective if you use soap laundry or any dishwashing detergent. It will be necessary to make a soapy solution with a lot of foam and in the bathroom rinse all the leaves, pot and pallet alternately, avoiding getting to the ground.

The more foam falls on the leaves, the better - this foam should be left on the plants for 3 hours, then rinse with a stream of water and wrap each pot in cellophane for the final destruction of pests.

Alcohol treatment

Skin or other dense leaves can be wiped with alcohol to kill most living individuals, but larvae will not be removed. Since this substance is volatile, it evaporates very quickly and does not do any harm to the foliage. But you should not experiment with alcohol on the pubescent leaflets (violet, gloxinia) because they will be hopelessly spoiled.

The fight against a spider mite in the garden

In large areas, with the defeat of many plants, simple folk remedies are ineffective, and therefore it is better to use chemical preparations. For indoor plants, they are also used, but for processing it is necessary to take a flower pot to the open air in order to avoid poisoning. "Fitoverm", "Actellyk" , "Carbophos", "Akarin", "Vermitik" and others proved to be very good. When spraying, they should use protective equipment - gloves, a respirator and not work in windy weather.